Verizon Galaxy S8 New Panel When Installing


New member
Nov 1, 2017
Any time I install a new app it makes a new panel and puts it on it even though I still have room on the original panel. It's not a huge deal. Drag over and delete the empty panel but it would still be nice to not have to deal with this. Anybody else experience this?
Welcome to Android Central! I think Samsung's UI looks to see if there is an empty slot at the lower right of the homescreen, and if there isn't, will create a new homescreen. So even if you have plenty of empty spots higher up on the homescreen, the new shortcut won't be added there.
Any time I install a new app it makes a new panel and puts it on it even though I still have room on the original panel. It's not a huge deal. Drag over and delete the empty panel but it would still be nice to not have to deal with this. Anybody else experience this?

Open Google Play and then Settings -> uncheck "Add icon to Home screen" box.