New phone: Razr, Rezound, or just wait?


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Dec 27, 2011
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Hey guys! I'm new here but have been reading quite a bit on here. Lots of great information!

Anyway, I currently have a DInc 2 with Verizon. My mom is wanting to enter the smartphone world. She thought it would be a good idea to let her have my DInc 2 and let me get a new phone since she's been playing with the DInc 2 and really likes it. I of course agreed since it's in practically brand new shape and she's familiar with it, plus I get a new phone out of the deal.

I'm stuck between the Razr and Rezound, or just waiting a bit. I am getting rather tired of Sense since all I've had with Android are HTC phones. The DInc 2 has been the best phone I've ever had, but I just want something new. Are there any new phones coming out rather soon worth waiting for? I wasn't too impressed with the GNexus. So the top 2 I was looking at were the Razr and Rezound. Any help? Thanks!!



Well-known member
Apr 9, 2011
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I'm still running on a first gen Atrix so can't speak from experience with those phones, I personally would wait until CES is finished. I imagine there will be quite a few announcements with products launching soon, and some later in the year as well. But I'd hold off till then and maybe one getting released soon will catch your interest.


Jan 3, 2012
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I agree with SnyperX if you (and/or mom) aren't in a big hurry, CES does tend to have some good things come out. But I can tell you from experience that I personally love my Razr, I just upgraded from the Droid 2, the larger screen is nice and the 4G plus hardware upgrades (talking speed) are noticeable. And, as advertised, this thing is ridiculously thin and really light, but with the Gorilla Glass, you really don't have to worry about the durability of the screen as long as you are moderately responsible with it.

The problem with waiting for that PERFECT Android phone is that there are so many manufacturers coming out with multiple phones every year, so, like with most electronics, as soon as you buy one you're going to find out in a couple months that you are outdated. It's not like Apple where they only come out with one (arguably similar) device per year. So, all and all it's up to whether you actually like the phones that are out or are just kind of "meh". I wouldn't waste the money on something that's just okay because something better will be coming out before you know it.

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