New Pixel Port W/Portrait for Oreo

Randy Ohio

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2017
I saw that there is a new port over on XDA forum of the new version of the Pixel 2 camera with portrait mode for Oreo phones. I was successful in loading onto my Oreo Beta 2 Essential and it opened without crashing.
Sadly, the rear camera isn't working when I tried testing things. The front facing camera and rear video do work? Maybe they will make further changes.
Sadly, the rear camera isn't working when I tried testing things. The front facing camera and rear video do work? Maybe they will make further changes.

Found this link tonight. This one seems to be taking rear pics and has portrait mode. It is definitely picking up more light. I took a pic of a digital clock display projected onto the ceiling in a dark room with both. I could easily read the Pixel one, there was little to see in the Essential camera one.
I tried a few more. It looks like the ISO speed is higher on the Pixel camera, which was why the numbers were brighter. Nothing much to focus on in the dark so they are not great pics. But, the camera does work.
Looks like more "problems". I had to reboot the phone this morning and now it won't take pics again from the rear camera.
Any update on this? Did you work through the problems or is this not compatible with our phone?

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