Nexus 7 portrait dock with audio-out


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2012
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I'm looking for a portrait dock that has a line out so I can plug into headphones or a bigger speaker system but I haven't found one yet. Unfortunately the headphone jack is on the bottom, preventing me from going out when I dock it in portrait mode. I realize I could just put it in landscape, but it's a little awkward web and document surfing, and takes up more space on my desk. Any suggestions?


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2012
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I would not bother to buy the dock at all, personally, since I just use the 15 bux Blurex or 9 bux keyboard case case to hold it in landscape mode and plug everything in.... The gent with the original post asked and it would not be hard to do if he just had to have it in portrait mode. Beats me why that would be required but different strokes....


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Mar 24, 2012
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you can always use a hot rod to burn or just drill a hole into a cheap plastic charging stand in the proper spot and plug in a normal speaker / headphone adapter if you like.... it isn't rocket science.

You're right, it's machine working, which I'm not sure I have the tools are am qualified for, and I'm not even sure which stand to use. Also, the stand has to be high enough to allow the headphone jack to go in.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2012
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I would not bother to buy the dock at all, personally, since I just use the 15 bux Blurex or 9 bux keyboard case case to hold it in landscape mode and plug everything in.... The gent with the original post asked and it would not be hard to do if he just had to have it in portrait mode. Beats me why that would be required but different strokes....

I stated why in my original post (landscape mode is "a little awkward web and document surfing, and takes up more space on my desk"), but let me get more detailed. I use my Galaxy Tab in Samsung's portrait multimedia dock, which is great to have next to my laptop waiting for files to process etc, and fits perfectly on my desk (typical laptop fold-up desk you find at Walmart), and neither tablets fits well in landscape mode on that desk. I have a little foldable stand I can put the Nexus 7 on, but one of the legs covers the headphone jack or there's not enough room to plug a cable in (I don't necessarily use that port for headphones; it can go to speakers too). I know sometimes it's hard to imagine why someone isn't using their device the way you are, but that doesn't mean they don't have a good reason to ask how to use it the way they want.


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2012
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You would not have any trouble doing the job or need any fancy tools. A tape measure, bic lighter and a large nail are all that's required. But a borrowed drill will work fine.

Buy the 15 dollar stand, mark the spot on it where the headphone jack is by scratch marking the correct spot, heat the nail tip with the lighter (wear a glove or use a cloth so you don't burn your fingers on the hot nail) , push the hot nail into the required spot. It will melt the cheap plastic and pop out the other side. Done.

Stick the headphone or speaker jack into the N7 from the bottom after mounting it into the microUSB connector and off you go to whatever you connect the other end to. I am certain that it will fit or that you can easily find a jack that will fit under there and equally that you will probably NOT find a portrait stand that meets your requirements.

?Improvise, adapt and overcome? (Marine Corps motto)


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2013
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How about putting it into the basic stand upside down? With mine, I have to put the speaker on a box if I do this, but that's because the speaker is the size of a satsuma, has a ludicrously short lead to match, and isn't really worth using in this case. But here it is, on my rather messy sewing desk, hooked up to a speaker and a USB keyboard for the sake of showing you how my set-up works. I imagine that I could have the speaker directly on the desk (well, cutting mat, to be precise) if I used landscape orientation.


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