Hi welcomed to AC!I mean banner notifications. Yes, system setting is "Show all notifications", lock screen notifications are on. When screen is off, I just hear sound and on screen shows icon de app, for example Whatsapp or Messenger. When screen is on and I'm using phone, I got normal banner notifications over the screen. On my previous Mate 20 pro, with lock screen I get sound and banner at the top of the screen.
That's exactly my setting. Still just icons. Everything is seted to show banners. Show details, show on lock screen. But still icons. Ghrrr... Phone is new and I finish configuration just a few days ago. I'm afraid that only way is factory reset ������
Ok try this , go settings>notification>set details>also tap breif pop up settings show when screen off and tap included apps the apps you like , then in advance settings check those there as well.Didn't help.
But I noticed strange thing.
Only one application can wake up screen and show banner notification - messages from Samsung. What's interesting, when I get message from whatsapp for example, on lockscreen I see only icon. But when I get after that text message in Samsung Message app, both shows on banner notification on locked screen.
You dont have AOD set to always display?I'll try in the evening. But finally I've found a solution, which is good enough for me.
I discovered, that when set "double tap screen wake up", its OK then. When I hear sound and see icon on the screen, then just have to double tap screen, which is waking up and I see all banners notifications. Seems like the problem is, that none of applications, except Samsung Messages, can wake up screen. Thank you guys for your help.
Hmm if you do then you really don't have to use double tapI have.
If you turn AOD off do u get notifications without tapping?If not, what's other solution?
There probably a setting somewhere your missing to toggle onNo. Only from Samsung Messages.