
Well-known member
Apr 27, 2010
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I'm using NoLed for notifications...I'm having a problem receiving my stock email notification with NoLed...I have email checked in the notification toggle settings...I receive gmail notifications with NoLed just fine...Any suggestions?


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2011
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Uninstall NoLED. Then your stock email notifications should work fine. Mine do. The Bionic has a physical LED, so I am confused as to why you would want to use an app made for phones that lack a physical LED.


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Apr 27, 2010
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Unless I'm missing something, the stock LED does not flash when the phone is locked. I noticed that the stock LED flashes briefly if I receive email and did not clear the notification and I locked the phone. So my purpose for the NoLed app is to see the icon on my locked screen just in case I don't have my phone on me at the time I received an email or text.


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Apr 16, 2011
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My LED flashes any time I have a notification, even when the phone is locked. I just find it funny that someone would install NoLED on a phone that has a physical LED and has an LCD screen. In order for NoLED to work, the screen has to stay on all the time. On an AMOLED screen, like the Samsungs have, this is not a as big a deal, as the AMOLED screen stays mainly black and only lights up a small portion of the screen. On an LCD, the backlight would have to be on, which would run the battery down really fast.


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Apr 27, 2010
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Freeky1 is there a setting that I need to set for my led to flash when my phone is locked? Even before I installed noled the led on my phone did not flash when my phone was locked and I received an email or a text message, only as I was unlocking/locking my phone did I see the led flash...and does your led flash on your unlocked screen every few secs until you read your notification?


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Apr 27, 2010
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I got to thinking about what Freeky1 said about my screen always being on and causing my battery to drain faster, so I diligently searched the internet and came across the below in another forum:

"I was able to fix the problem, with help from a message I saw over on Android Forums:

1). Factory reset your phone (I didn't erase any SD card data)
2). After the reset is complete, do not log into your Google account - skip this
3). Have someone send a text message to your phone with the screen off - the LED light should blink correctly
4). Now sign into your Google Account and reconfigure your phone"

I hated to try this because I basically had my phone customized just right, but I tried it anyway...and it worked like a charm...this even fixed an original vibrate problem I was having in which I had to install "sound manager" to get my vibrate to work properly with emails and texts. Only downside, I have to reset my phone up the way I had it before...but no more NoLed and no more Sound manager...Yippee!!!:)


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Sep 6, 2011
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Try checking your settings. My led flashes every few secs when my phone is locked so yours should too. I haven't noticed it flashing while unlocked.
It also flashes when my battery is low and when it is done charging.


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Apr 27, 2010
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Thanks LNJKD, but I tried everything from VZW online support and them having me check my settings to going in the store and them being on the phone with online support checking my settings, before I tried the factory reset and not signing into google right away. Everything is working as it's supposed to now...


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2010
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it would seem to be some type of glitch.

half the world has no led notification. the other half does.

i'll wait for the patch and use noled for now. i just set my phone up and in no mood to start over again.