Nook Color vs Archos 101


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Jul 13, 2010
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I've decided I'm in the market for an Android Tablet. I don't want to spend more than $400 so the Galaxy Tab and the Xoom are not considerations. Two have sort of bubbled to the top for me but I'd like to hear opinions and other options.

1. Hacked Nook Color. It has a low price but has a small screen, not a ton of horsepower and low battery life.

2. Archos 101. Larger screen. Higher price. Lots of questions of about the USB port life and needs to be hacked to get the market running.

Any thoughts? I realize I posted this in the Nook area so I might see more leaning that way but I'd still like to hear options.


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Jan 1, 2011
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They're both the same resolution, but the NC has the higher quality screen by far. From what I hear, the viewing angles on the Archos are terrible. Nook has an IPS display, which has the best colors and viewing angle.


Italiano Papi
Jul 12, 2010
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I agree with Kazy. I purchased the Archos 101 on ebay. Only to sell it the same day I got it. HORRIBLE viewing angles. And believe it or not, the quality of the Nook Color is by far a lot better then the Archos. For that price spent on the Archos, it was extremely cheap quality. Im amazed at what Barnes and Noble has presented with this. The Nook has weight to it and a fantastic screen with viewing angles. The viewing angles show wonderfully on all degrees. You wont be disappointed with the Nook. Buy one, Use some of that money to get an SD card, get a case and your good to go. Youll be suprised at how nice it is. Just no Cameras, But hey. Who really takes pictures with Tablets? Its kind of akward.


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Jul 6, 2010
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For me the 7in vs 10in was a big consideration. I have a gtab and I got the NC because the gtab was just too big...

Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk


Mar 5, 2011
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I thought the NC was gonna be too small but its actually the perfect size. I couldn't imagine trying to thumb type with a 10 inch tablet. The quality of the NC is incredible, I have no idea why someone can't t make a native android tablet for with similar price and quality.


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Mar 1, 2011
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Other companies cant because B&N sell the nook with very little profit margins. They assume they will profit from ebooks instead. Kind of like how ps3 was half the price of all the other blueray players when it first cam out. It was sold for almost no profit or a loss when they first came out, assuming they would make money on the games instead.


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2010
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I'd go with the nook as well. Few reasons.

  1. IPS screen. Id rather 10" personally, but using. TN based tablet like the archos 101 with horrible viewing angles is a nightmare.
  2. Price. The price of a nook with case and sd card is less thathe 101.
  3. Everything Ive hard about the archos is that the build is really bad. The nook wont win any durability awards, but it is till quite good.
  4. The drv communty on the seems that much more dedicated compared to the archos. Do they have a gb port at all?

I thought the NC was gonna be too small but its actually the perfect size. I couldn't imagine trying to thumb type with a 10 inch tablet. The quality of the NC is incredible, I have no idea why someone can't t make a native android tablet for with similar price and quality.

I imagine the profit margin for the nook is extremely small. They want you buying nook books. That's where they plan to make the money. Other tablets have to make the profit at the initial sale.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2010
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Thank you everyone. The consensus is the Nook. I just ordered one for local pickup at Best Buy. The email to pick it up just arrived so I am going to head over and pick it up, then start the process of conversion. I have a Class 4, 8gb card from my old Blackberry which I plan to use with the device until I can get a good price online for a Class 6 16gb.

Thanks again for all of the insight. My gut told me Nook but I wanted to make sure I wasn't going to miss out on the larger screen and slightly faster processor.


Italiano Papi
Jul 12, 2010
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Good Job! Having used the Archos 101, I wont say its any faster then the Nook. The Nook is a much better quality device. You will be able to tell when you look at that screen from the top, bottom, left and right! :)

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