This morning I received an update screen on my Note 7. I am hesitant to do the update until I find out more about it. Has anyone done the update? If so, how is your phone doing? Thanks.
Yep installed 0 issues maby battery life is improved not Sure didn't have issue with that anyway .This morning I received an update screen on my Note 7 from Sprint. I am hesitant to do the update until I find out more about it. Has anyone done the update? If so, how is your phone doing? Thanks.
I noticed a cooler temp right away. Maybe just me. Wifi calling (it's there, but not sure if I'll need it).I installed this update a few days ago. Was no problem and in fact battery life and overall system performance improved a bit.
Yep installed 0 issues maby battery life is improved not Sure didn't have issue with that anyway .
Has wifi calling no no need for That I'm on a unlimited plan