Note 7 - This lag is unfreakingbelievable

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Dec 31, 2011
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Maybe they should rename all the recalled phones Note6. Then reissue the Note7 as a GPE phone. I'd be curious how the N7 would run as a GPE phone. Of course they'd need an app for the stylus. But OS updates would be quick!


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Aug 18, 2012
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Picked up a Honor 8 from best buy last night. Having used the Note 7 the last couple of weeks, I can tell you the speed difference is night and day. Apps load and switch so much faster. Might just stay with the Honor 8 for a while.


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Jan 21, 2011
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When I had mine, it was fairly smooth but sometimes would lock up and stutter. Once I was showing a friend the device, and it was super stuttery to the point my friend was like, you paid money for this? And there were other times when it just locked up for s few seconds, but not always. Enough to be annoying.

Overall it did tend to work well, I could stream music and do GPS and BT and no issues. Sometimes the keyboard would lag. It was not as smooth as my iPhone even at the best of times, but by no means a bad experience. I was more than happy to keep it, aside from the battery problems going on.

I had an s3 and hatred TouchWiz, but was impressed with how much it improved in the interim.

With all the worry though about the resale values, use on planes, and my personal fear that Samsung won't continue to support due to less people buying one, I may not get it once it comes out again... Shame, I loved it while I had it. But mine got very hot a few times, so didn't feel safe with it. And now my confidence is low.

This was my experience with it. I really like the Note 7, but I've gotten used to Android phones at this point being very smooth with no hiccups. That slight stutter bothered me. I admit that if not for the battery issue I would have kept it, and just hopefully awaited an update.


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Sep 17, 2015
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I've had my Note 7 since launch, and it has slowly gotten slower and slower. I have more lag when typing now. I've had intermittent app crashes. It takes longer and longer to start typing when I got the Google search bar. It's not a good sign for the life of the phone.


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Aug 21, 2014
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I was asking my buddy/coworker if the phones been laggy and he says at times... when messaging maybe because he keeps all his texts and here and there. says not the worst he's had in a phone... He said his S6 was worse.

I was just playing with it... wanting to doodle while it was locked and AOD showing....The time it took me to click, pull the spen out, then hold the pen in a writing position at the ready on the screen... it still took a second before the clock disappeared and the black writing pad was ready for me to doodle. That's kinda long. :-\ Repeated a few times and it varied but about average.

Still had fun doodling though. and still want one I think. but that's annoying.

I've had my Note 7 since launch, and it has slowly gotten slower and slower. I have more lag when typing now. I've had intermittent app crashes. It takes longer and longer to start typing when I got the Google search bar. It's not a good sign for the life of the phone.


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Apr 10, 2014
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Why the hell would you need to hard reset or do some tricks? Shouldn't a thousand dollar phone with a octa core latest processor and 4gb of ram, JUST work?

What has the price of the phone got to do with anything.

You'd think the phone should do whatever cause you spend 900.00

Does the phone know how much you spent on it.

You've downloaded apps and probably made a bunch of changes to it.
Something could be interfering with it from a site you went to.
Its a Computer.
You think you just buy them and do nothing to them.
They take care of themselves.


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Sep 3, 2010
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Everytime I hear lag on a Note comes with the story about how the user used smart I'm going to say...don't use smart switch


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Aug 21, 2014
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I don't mind doing a factory reset when I get a new phone out of box... may sound weird, maybe from my tech support days with IBM but I don't mind making sure I have a freshly reset system and start disabling bloat before setting up a phone.

Going into developer mode... I knew that stuff when I had my Nexus 4... but I don't want to go into developer mode and turn off things and don't feel like I should if the manufacturer set it that way from the start... yes especially a $900 phone to compensate over a bloated UI over other phones. If you think that's slly then use this example... I think it's cool you can reduce resolution and heard it makes the phone much faster... but it's cheesy to do on a phone that comes with such a hi res hi quality screen.

I can go with nova launcher... but only if I really want to change the look for personal pref... not to go around a laggy touchwiz.

Just saying it should perform like a flaghip out of the box and reasonable to expect it stay that way in general with average apps and use that other do on other phones.

I just mentioned one thing i noticed using S-pen... but it's one reason i want to get that phone... so it's a little annoying. but not a deal breaker right now.

What has the price of the phone got to do with anything.

You'd think the phone should do whatever cause you spend 900.00

Does the phone know how much you spent on it.

You've downloaded apps and probably made a bunch of changes to it.
Something could be interfering with it from a site you went to.
Its a Computer.
You think you just buy them and do nothing to them.
They take care of themselves.


Trusted Member
Dec 31, 2011
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What has the price of the phone got to do with anything.

You'd think the phone should do whatever cause you spend 900.00

Does the phone know how much you spent on it.

You've downloaded apps and probably made a bunch of changes to it.
Something could be interfering with it from a site you went to.
Its a Computer.
You think you just buy them and do nothing to them.
They take care of themselves.

If I only spend a couple hundred bucks on a phone, I don't expect top-of-the-line components and ram. On a pricey current flagship with all top of the line components, I expect nothing less than an optimized phone that runs like greased lightning. Lag is unacceptable, especially the lag I've seen in videos of the Note7.

It makes me wonder if the lag is carrier/bloatware induced or if the N7 was simply released before adequate QC on the total package was performed. Why some users have lag and some do not is a mystery to me. Regardless, it shouldn't come out of the box like that. And just to clarify, those of you experiencing lag... did your N7 lag out of the box? Or only after you loaded it up with apps?

I'd love to see an app that can track down lag inducing apps so we can better identify issues that cause the phone to respond slowly/drain the battery, etc.


Well-known member
May 3, 2011
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I would have thought that since folks can get rid of their "laggy" Note 7's now, this thread would be about done with any big lag complaints. Why keep complaining when you can move on to another device? Seems no excuse otherwise at this point in time.

Just move on and be done with it :)


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2014
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Well if you want a pen, the Note 7 is the only game in town. And that's the situation I am in.

Honestly, if you don't care about sPen at all and base phone with remaining specs minus Spen, would the Note 7 would still be your choice for best phone? For me, NO. Without a pen I would save $500 and get a One Plus 3 or ZTE Axon 7.

If you want the pen it's the Note 7... but if I find some things worth noting I'm gonna that concern and bother me about it, Im not gonna pretend it doesn't exist. I'll talk about it and see if there are people that find the same thing or not and talk about it. You hope if you find it's a real issue, you talk about it to find a solution to it or hope Samsung listens to our feedback and addresses it in an update or fix for next phone.

From asking my friend that is a regular user, doesn't care about forums, and get his opinion and from little chances I get to play with his phone... I find lag. Enough to be surprised but not deter me at the price I can get this phone for. also, I'm kinda hoping that Nougat comes out within a few months and it will help smooth things out and fix some issues.

I would have thought that since folks can get rid of their "laggy" Note 7's now, this thread would be about done with any big lag complaints. Why keep complaining when you can move on to another device? Seems no excuse otherwise at this point in time.

Just move on and be done with it :)


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2013
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If yall are having problems with lag.
what have you done about it.


I do not have any Lag at all. This will stop the Lag:

Couple of good tips in both these videos. Back on my 6p after returning my N7, which did have some lag. Great position I'm in right now. Will wait and see what the Pixel phones bring to the table, and will wait and see how the N7 plays out. Either way I can easily wait until the Black Friday time frame. If the Pixel phones are "meh" and the N7 new phones don't have battery issues, maybe I'll get an N7 again. Especially if they go on sale around Black Friday because they aren't selling well. I will say, being back to the huge size of 6p and that washed out screen (ugh) kind of sucks compared to the gorgeous N7 screen.


Well-known member
May 3, 2011
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The most absolute way to get rid of the big lag is get another device now. Fixed! I have yet to encounter a device without lag, including my sons iPhone, bloat free MXPE and the iPad Pro I'm typing this on now.

Seriously, go to another field where the lag free grass is greener and the cows make lag-free milk. Moooo! :)


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2012
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What has the price of the phone got to do with anything.

You'd think the phone should do whatever cause you spend 900.00

Does the phone know how much you spent on it.

You've downloaded apps and probably made a bunch of changes to it.
Something could be interfering with it from a site you went to.
Its a Computer.
You think you just buy them and do nothing to them.
They take care of themselves.

LMAO, uh Yes? That's exactly how it should be. It's a Samsung Flagship device. Not a Chinese knock off with home brew software. My MXPE was buttery smooth and lag free, weirdly, right out of the box. I didn't have to "take care of it". I installed my apps and then used the phone...for months, without issues.

As to your claim that I downloaded a bunch of apps....yes..that's what you do with these devices, you put apps on them. "And Probably made a bunch of changes" > no that's the whole point is that you shouldn't have to make a bunch of changes. That was YOUR advice :)
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