note 8 vibrating for no reason?

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Android Central Question

I just got a Note 8 so I'm still learning the ins and outs of it...but I put it on vibrate, am not touching it at all (it's on a bookshelf behind my desk) and about every 5 minutes or so it vibrates and I can't figure out why. There are no notifications. I don't want to turn off the notification reminder, because I do want to receive notifications for texts, emails etc. I can't figure out why it is doing this when I am not touching or accessing the phone in any way. Would appreciate any help/guidance as it is very annoying!


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Feb 12, 2012
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Set each app that has notifications to a different notification. Leave the sound turned up. Then when you hear the sound, you'll know what app caused the notification. Fix that problem and put the phone back to vibrate only. (I recorded little voice clips with the app name and keep them all on my desktop in one folder just for that purpose, if any app starts giving me strange notifications. So if I keep getting notified by my texting app, I keep hearing "texting", etc.)