Note buyers, what are you upgrading from?


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2011
Currently on a 6P really considering this phone given how glowingly positive most reviews out there are, though it feels redundant for me to upgrade from a phone I've only had for 9 months so I wanted to know what you guys are upgrading from to get some context.

Edit: What are your reasons for upgrading if it's a phone from 2015-2016?
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Note 5, I have a manufacturer defect and Sprint was open to having me swap out the device (it's a lease) rather than just flat swapping it out.

As a point of fact, the defect is that the black back is pulling away from the glass on the front panel under the screen. Samsung claims It's an issue with the adhesive and said it should be swapped It's a cosmetic issue...but I'd hate to see it keep getting bigger and cover one of the sensors in the front. Also, I lease because I don't want to deal with issues :D
Note 4. Software wise, its still great but my camera's autofocus has been broken for months and I've put off getting insurance to replace it to upgrade instead. Currently dying inside waiting for shipping to update
Nexus 6p. Everytime I leave a Note phone I end up missing it. The Note 5 wasn't my favorite, but I miss the build quality and general feel of the phone. Looking forward to the Note 7.
@PorkPistol Nothing to laugh at, the 6S is a beast, just not for people that hate bezels!
Note 4. I love my Note 4 but it's lagged terribly since day one and the battery SUCKED ever since the first security update that AT&T pushed to me in November or December of '14.
Nexus 6p. Everytime I leave a Note phone I end up missing it. The Note 5 wasn't my favorite, but I miss the build quality and general feel of the phone. Looking forward to the Note 7.

Exactly this. I also miss wireless charging.
Moto X 2014.

Wow you guys are upgrading from phones that are barely a year old :P
I had the iphone 6+ and switched to the note 5 last year when it released and switched back to iPhone 6s+ in october because I wanted the apple watch, but now I'm planning on switching back to the Note 7 when my upgrade is due on the 20th (i wished it was on the 19th :mad:) because I missed the note 5. I missed the customization, the s-pen, the real multi-tasking & the camera quality on the samsung.

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