Nougat update causes camera to access downloads folder


Active member
Dec 3, 2013
I just got the new update this week and now when I am in the camera app and access the photos I have taken it now also shows videos and pictures I have downloaded and I think photos from all apps. I want it to only shows camera photos is there a way to fix this? Or do I have to roll back to the last OS?
Which phone?
Which version of android?
Which carrier?
Which camera app?

The "review" button should be launching your favorite picture viewing app and should be displaying the newly created image.
Is it not doing that?

Since the camera app is launching your picture viewing app, your pictures app will let you browse the other photos on your phone.
Sorry should have posted info
Galaxy s7
Android 7.0
Freedom mobile in Ontario
Stock camera app

The review window when I touch it now shows every photo and video on my phone in the order of it having been taken or downloaded. This is very annoying all I want it to show are photos and videos I've taken with the camera not a bunch of random maps and photos I've downloaded from chrome and facebook
When you press the review button in the camera app, the picture viewer app comes up in "view album" mode instead of "view single picture" mode?

Are you using the default "gallery" app that came with the phone to view pictures? If not, which app?
No it shows a single picture or video but it accesses all folders now not just the camera folder like it used to. I have never used the Google stock album I use gallery ics when I want to view all of my photos.
Try doing it with the stock Gallery app as the default picture app. Perhaps there's something with Nougat+Gallery ICS happening
I don't see a way to select a default gallery I never changed it to the other I just never use the stock one

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