No No No. It is NOT ok. The Pixel port and configuration on the charging cord are totally different from the standard android system. You can throw out all your chargers.
What I mean by that is that the cable doesn't have the wrong resistor in it that would allow it to indicate "Charging rapidly". .
Not sure...I'm just looking to charge in the car via USB not type C and am wondering if there is a "special" charger required to do that..I dont need rapid charging in the car. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
The turbo charger that came with my Droid Turbo 2, hooked up to an Aukey USB C adapter, does show "charging rapidly" , whether it is actually charging rapidly I don't know, but it seemed to charge in a little over an hour and a half. My two old fashion car chargers with the adapter also seems to charge it okay..
But are you guys telling me that it's not safe?
I don't have the doc handy (I'm at work, it's bookmarked at home) but if it doesn't show up on Benson Leung's "approved" list, it doesn't match USB-C spec. The adapter you have likely has an incorrectly-specified resistor. What can happen is the phone can try to pull too much power from the power source (more than the source was designed for) and cause a meltdown - worst case scenario there.
If you're looking at this Aukey adapter:
This review tells me it does NOT conform to USB-C specs as it allows the phone to try charging rapidly:
Instead, look at getting this adapter that has been tested and verified as conforming by Benson. In fact, you get two for less than 2x the price of the Aukey:
For further reference, here is Benson's Google Docs spreadsheet developed from I'm sure MANY hours of testing: