hey not at all; any info as far as we are concerned is ammo for the fight.
were not finished with this, we just got confirmation a few times it was no hassle/no questions (assuming it wasnt damaged ie dropped severely etc), and had 2 confirmed replacements pass a rudimentary dunk test previous units failed. Phone Info (Samsung) states mid-august production dates, Korean build, and devices are listed as 'New', as per what Samsung told our friends.
Language probably wont change; their actions might however. they will likely NEVER recall this device to be honest, and i can understand why, even though i personally am an affected consumer. The real push is to get them all replaced with fixed new devices; then push for something else too.
I wish i could give you a more affirmative response, but at this time, thats all i have or all i can say. Its still a work in progress.
Again, both my GF and my own S7 Active have worked just fine after long duration underwater, as have some others, that were launch devices.
I know of one user, personally, who has gone kayaking and waded/swam for a good 20 minutes with the device in her pocket; it was a launch day purchase. My GF and i bought ours shortly after our camping/kayak trip with said user was over; its why we bought them; its what i expect out of our devices and your device as well; just what they advertised.
This, on top of the Note 7 issue, is REALLY turning me off to Samsung right now; mostly the downtime and wasted time to get a return initiated, AND the 'dead time' where the faulty device is shipped out, and a replacement has not yet arrived; thats the key part we are now engaged in negotiating; compensation for downtime/lost time/productivity/etc.
My time isn't free; even my consultations cost more than this phone. My GF's are even pricier. Your time is JUST as valuable; you purchased the device based on its advertised specs; it doesnt matter why or how it failed to live up to its advertised specs; its an acknowledged flaw, which causes grievance to the user, and that user should be compensated.