Palm Pre to inspire


Jan 27, 2011
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Just wanted to share my opinion on switching to android from the best os out there. First things first when i say i love the hardware. Other than that the only things i have really liked about android compared to webos is the lockscreen pattern and text autofit when you zoom in on a webpage. Im still trying to figure out why there is so much hype about android. Only reason i can see is that the market was absolutely pulluted with android phones. Anyone else a former user of webos?

Shamanic Enzan

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May 26, 2011
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Just wanted to share my opinion on switching to android from the best os out there. First things first when i say i love the hardware. Other than that the only things i have really liked about android compared to webos is the lockscreen pattern and text autofit when you zoom in on a webpage. Im still trying to figure out why there is so much hype about android. Only reason i can see is that the market was absolutely pulluted with android phones. Anyone else a former user of webos?

What are you smoking and can I have some, everyone I know that has had a Pre, Pre Plus, Pixi, or Pixi Plus, all HATED the operating system, and they all didn't defect to Android, some went apple, and some went WP/WM. I used WebOS a bit and it's alright the hardware just doesn't do it any favors.


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May 16, 2011
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Just wanted to share my opinion on switching to android from the best os out there. First things first when i say i love the hardware. Other than that the only things i have really liked about android compared to webos is the lockscreen pattern and text autofit when you zoom in on a webpage. Im still trying to figure out why there is so much hype about android. Only reason i can see is that the market was absolutely pulluted with android phones. Anyone else a former user of webos?
I have had a palm pre plus and a blackberry torch in the past year. Webos is cool but they forget about you as soon as you buy the phone. If they kept up with the updates it might be better. Their apps are also very limited.


Jan 27, 2011
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as of today i switched from inspire to veer, couldn't take the android anymore. Palms customer service has been nothing but awesome for me. Yes the hardware has sucked up until the pre 2 and forward, but if you knew how to use the Os (its not to difficult to understand in the first place) then it rocks.


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Apr 19, 2011
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I have been a webs user for 2 years before getting an inspire due to palm hardware failure. My son has an iPhone and wife has a blackberry torch. Needless to say I am well versed in all OS. All systems have their pulses and minutes. I cannot understand these threads describing how poor this OS or that OS is. In response to original post webos is supremely easy to use with an abysmal app selection. Things may improve with HP involvement but the hardware does no favors to the OS. Inspire has been a breath of fresh air with constant updates. Thanks to all forums though for improving the mobile experience. By the way, the best is a smurf phone.


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Nov 17, 2010
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Being a former webos user I can say that it is a very nice os but so is android. I was kinda lost at 1st when I switched to android but after a few days I found some pros about that I realy liked. Both oses have pros and cons. I would love a new webos device but not one that looks like it came from one of my sons GI Joe toys.


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Feb 27, 2011
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i'm also a WebOS to Android convert. i had the AT&T Pre Plus before my inspire. best things i love about My Inspire and Android's OS are the quality hardware (all Pre owners know how bad the hardware was with Palms devices), decent app selection (it's no Apple App store, but it also no Palm App Catalog ;) ), and the OS is relatively quick and responsive. WebOS has always been gimped from the beginning with lackluster hardware, leading to homebrew tactics to remedy the problems.

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