Pandora Data Should be Free

I doubt Verizon will do that, and with Net Neutrality rules, T-mobile might no longer be able to do that either from what I understand
Why would they not be able to do that? That is crazy. I think it is a great thing to have. All this stuff about net neutrality is crazy. If I pay for a service I will use it how I want to. The government will not restrict me from what I want to do. But I believe you are correct in that Verizon will never do anything like that as it makes them a lot of money.

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Why would they not be able to do that? That is crazy. I think it is a great thing to have. All this stuff about net neutrality is crazy. If I pay for a service I will use it how I want to. The government will not restrict me from what I want to do. But I believe you are correct in that Verizon will never do anything like that as it makes them a lot of money.

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The government is actually un-restricting you. Net Neutrality is basically saying all carriers (and ISPs) have to treat traffic equally. This means they can't have certain products work (let's say Pandora for this example) better on their network since Pandora pays them a "fee" to ensure traffic reaches us. While some of us who like Google get bad streaming speeds because Google doesn't pay Verizon's "fee".

NN is good -- ensure to read up on it before instantly assuming it is bad... not everything the government does is bad. That is just a common belief that seems to be the norm now. :).

As for the topic -- Verizon will not allow free data (NN or not). They won't even do rollover -- there is no way they will allow services to get free data usage on their network.
Streaming anything from Verizon pay for apps like NFL mobile should be free data.

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Geez... dudes, theres more to life than streaming crap. You on 24/7 ?
Geez... dudes, theres more to life than streaming crap. You on 24/7 ?

He was trying there -- I hit 1 TB when trying before as well.

I really don't like the "if you stream a lot you have no life" thing -- Because you don't know how we live and it is just assuming. I know people who can't stream at work so I wouldn't expect them to use much... Whereas at my work they allow streaming while you work. So I can watch tournaments, shows, whatever while working and it is okay -- so therefore .. If I am at work 8 hours a day .. And watch shows even half that time .. or have something going it means I can use a good amount of data. I am at work anyway so why not? I am stuck here .. it doesn't mean I (or we) don't have a "life" as some like to put it.
He was trying there -- I hit 1 TB when trying before as well.

I really don't like the "if you stream a lot you have no life" thing -- Because you don't know how we live and it is just assuming. I know people who can't stream at work so I wouldn't expect them to use much... Whereas at my work they allow streaming while you work. So I can watch tournaments, shows, whatever while working and it is okay -- so therefore .. If I am at work 8 hours a day .. And watch shows even half that time .. or have something going it means I can use a good amount of data. I am at work anyway so why not? I am stuck here .. it doesn't mean I (or we) don't have a "life" as some like to put it.
Well to be clear, I never said someone has no life, I said there is more to life. Everyone has a life and if one chooses to spend their time streaming over a TB of data just because they choose to or just because they can, then that's their choice. I chose not to because I'd miss out on all the rest that life has to offer. As we get older we realize life is way shorter than we thought. Spending hours and hours of the precious time we have left playing with our phones, no matter what our age seems a shame. Our devices have a place and of course make our lives easier, but over use and addiction is a real problem for some.
If your employer doesn't care your watching videos and TV while on the job sounds like a very fulfilling line of work. But Rock On!
If you like what another company is doing, go support them. But to say that because one company is doing a promotion that that one specific item should be required across all carriers is just a bad idea. I've had similar feelings about the move to cloud based data, that if I'm going to be forced into using the cloud, then that data should be free. But I also realize that is just ignorant and I find other ways to do things. Verizon already charges enough, so why should I pay even more to cover all that "free" data (because someone has to pay for it) that someone else plans to use?

I say let the companies compete in their own way and let the free market decide who's is better.
And here I was thinking I was downloading/streaming a lot. The most I've used in the last 4 months is 262 GB on my HOME broadband...

On topic - why should Pandora be "free"? It's all a ploy by Pandora to get more subscribers since they can stream it with no hit to the data cap. What you "save" on your data cap (if Pandora being free prevents you from hitting overages), you'll spend on Pandora monthly fees.
I use Spotify, and I don't know what it is, but it doesn't seem like it uses any/or little data.

I use it when at the Gym, and I could tell my data went up a lot, as I was getting close to 4GB a month when I first started using it last year, and in some parts of the gym, I will drop to 3G or even 1X (don't get me started on that rant). But over past several months, data is below 2GB, and even 1X music doesn't skip or freeze up like it used to
@hallux.....pandora is free, so is pandora 1 if u can find it on the Internet for free

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I'm aware that you can use the service at no cost but with commercials. They're talking about making it not count against your data cap.

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