Phone died and won't charge?


Mar 30, 2011
Hi guys. I'm running the latest version of Rootzboat. My phone died earlier today. I left it plugged in to a wall charger for ~3 hours. The phone wouldn't turn on. I plugged it into a different wall charger and connected it to my computer through usb. Nothing appears to be charging it. Any ideas on what's wrong? Should I just go in to Verizon tomorrow and get a new battery? Thanks!


Feb 19, 2010
If the wall don't work and the computer I'd take it in. Is it the stock charger and USB cable?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


Mar 30, 2011
Hey thanks for the response. Yeah I used the stock wall charger and USB cable initially. My phone started working again. I tried powering it on while holding the volume down button while it was plugged into the computer by USB and it took me into Odin. I'm not sure if it just needed to cool down (was running pretty hot right before the battery died) or if doing this somehow allowed it to boot. Once it turned on it was able to charge again. Just a heads up if anyone else runs into this problem.


Feb 19, 2010
Very good. I had issues like this with my Xoom. The screen would not turn on and it would not do anything. Hitting volume up and power would force a reboot and it would work again. Glad its working.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


New member
Dec 26, 2011
Very good. I had issues like this with my Xoom. The screen would not turn on and it would not do anything. Hitting volume up and power would force a reboot and it would work again. Glad its working.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

Mine won't wake up. Neither Volume_Up + Power or Volume_down + Power have any effect.

It's been charging for hours all day today and it won't wake up.

Taking it to the store tomorrow :-(

The pleasure of owning one lasted 1 1/2 days. :-(


Nov 9, 2011
Hey Guys,

This happened to me as well and I got it working again.

I went to bed and when I woke up I turned my phone on but the unlock screen was unresponsive. I pressed and held the power button and I felt it vibrate which normally happens when you are presented with the power down options, however nothing came on the screen, it was still at the lock slider. So I did a battery pull, reset it, checked a web page and then went back to bed. When I woke up again, there was nothing but a black screen and pressing the power button did nothing.

I figured maybe the battery had fully discharged. I plugged it into the wall with the supplied charger for a few minutes, nothing. Plugged it into the computer with the supplied USB cable, nothing. Plugged it into the wall using my Blackberry charger, nothing. Tried doing all of the volume + power button combos while plugged in, nothing. Tried battery pull and still nothing.

To get it working again I unplugged it from the USB and then took out battery and the SIM card. While the battery and SIM were out I held the power button down for 10 seconds, thinking that there might be some built up power/static that needed to be discharged. I replaced the SIM card and battery and as soon as I plugged the USB cable in, the battery charging symbol appeared. Left it for a few minutes and then pressed power and voila, it was back.

Now, as I said before I thought that maybe the battery had fully discharged... However upon powering up my battery was at 45% Very weird.

Anyways, that's my story. Maybe my idea of holding the power button with the battery and SIM card out had an effect, maybe not, I don't know. But if you find yourself in this situation I'd say that it's worth a shot.


New member
Jan 15, 2012

That exact procedure just worked for my GN with the same problem. The one difference: I hadn't had an initial problem with an unresponsive unlock screen.



New member
Jan 16, 2012
NordicNinja and exliontamer,

I had the exact same problem with my brand new Galaxy Nexus. It just died all of a sudden, wouldn't turn on, couldn't get it to even charge. Unplugged the usb charger, took the sim card and battery out, held the power button for 10 seconds, replaced the sim card and battery, tried charging it again and it recognized the charge and I was able to turn it back on! The battery was at 58% though so I don't know what the problem was. Any ideas on how to prevent this from happening again or what the problem is?

Thank you for the fix!


New member
Jan 18, 2012
NordicNinja, I made an account just to tell you you are the man.
I had the same problem, I left my Nexus alone, and when I walked back to my room, it wouldn't respond- nothing. I tried charging it, taking out the battery, still nothing. I tried your technique and it worked... turned back on with 61%. I just wanted to say thanks... let's hope this is not a recurring problem.


Well-known member
May 14, 2010
Mine worked fine until I went to bed. Turned it off to charge as normal and stuck on charger(didn't pay attention to see if it lit up). Woke up and it is dead. Tried to hold down volume buttons + power, tried taking out battery & sim card then holding down power for 10 seconds, and tried another battery that's fully charged(I have the extra battery & external charger). Zilch, a completely dead phone.

I am running a custom ROM but have had zero problems in the 3 weeks I've owned it. I haven't downloaded a new app in at least a week maybe longer. The computer won't recognize it at all so I can't unroot or do anything to the phone. Please help!!


New member
Jan 5, 2012
Thanks so much for posting this! I thought my phone was totally bricked, but this solved it for me too. Thanks a ton!!

Hey Guys,

This happened to me as well and I got it working again.

I went to bed and when I woke up I turned my phone on but the unlock screen was unresponsive. I pressed and held the power button and I felt it vibrate which normally happens when you are presented with the power down options, however nothing came on the screen, it was still at the lock slider. So I did a battery pull, reset it, checked a web page and then went back to bed. When I woke up again, there was nothing but a black screen and pressing the power button did nothing.

I figured maybe the battery had fully discharged. I plugged it into the wall with the supplied charger for a few minutes, nothing. Plugged it into the computer with the supplied USB cable, nothing. Plugged it into the wall using my Blackberry charger, nothing. Tried doing all of the volume + power button combos while plugged in, nothing. Tried battery pull and still nothing.

To get it working again I unplugged it from the USB and then took out battery and the SIM card. While the battery and SIM were out I held the power button down for 10 seconds, thinking that there might be some built up power/static that needed to be discharged. I replaced the SIM card and battery and as soon as I plugged the USB cable in, the battery charging symbol appeared. Left it for a few minutes and then pressed power and voila, it was back.

Now, as I said before I thought that maybe the battery had fully discharged... However upon powering up my battery was at 45% Very weird.

Anyways, that's my story. Maybe my idea of holding the power button with the battery and SIM card out had an effect, maybe not, I don't know. But if you find yourself in this situation I'd say that it's worth a shot.


New member
May 12, 2012
Dude, u r tha MAN!!! U jst saved me a trip to the dreadful BigV store b/c my phone was doing exactly what you wrote up. I tried your fix and it's back up. MUCH THX!!! :)


New member
Apr 17, 2011
after i held the button for 10 seconds, i put in the sim and the battery, and connected it to USB to my computer. The battery icon doesn't show up. Is that correct? Now it won't even do the vibrate on when I hit the power button.


Well-known member
Jun 24, 2011
I tried it, but my lockscreen says its discharging at 100% wtf? This just happened this morning. Tried nordicninja's technique, then plugged into computer via usb, no luck

Update: works now!!
Last edited:


New member
Oct 18, 2012
Idk how to use this.
but I left my phone Home charging and when back my phone didn't churn on i tryed different chargers and usbs no working but i put different batteries and it churns on but it won't get the main battery my phone SGH-T679 first time -_- what do you think?


New member
Oct 31, 2012
nordicninja, i joined just to say thank you! I don't even have the same phone (I have a crappy Samsung Gem), but it was having a similar problem. plugged in but wouldn't turn on or even say it was charging, but now it does say it is charging and I am going to try and turn it on in a sec.

Thank you!


New member
Nov 26, 2012
hi i tried this but i have a sprint phone so thier is no sim card.. so i didnt work :( any other suggestions?

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