I turn off my phone then plug in the wall charger. After a couple seconds i get the battery icon with moving dots indicating charging. Then a few seconds more the phone turns on.
Can I charge with phone off?
Is there a setting I need to change? I tried turning all settings off like sync, wifi, GPS, BT etc. thinking there may be some auto wake feature.
I recently rooted using this method on galaxy s 2 root dot com
Unfortunately, I didn't try charging with phone off before rooting. So I'm wondering if this is the cause or it is normal behavior for ATT SGS2.
Any help would be appreciated.
Can I charge with phone off?
Is there a setting I need to change? I tried turning all settings off like sync, wifi, GPS, BT etc. thinking there may be some auto wake feature.
I recently rooted using this method on galaxy s 2 root dot com
Unfortunately, I didn't try charging with phone off before rooting. So I'm wondering if this is the cause or it is normal behavior for ATT SGS2.
Any help would be appreciated.