Pixel 8 phone answer buttons on different days


Oct 7, 2010
So, this is a strange one, and I'm not sure if this is an Android 14 thing or a P8P thing.
On Mondays, when I get a phone call, the answer/decline button is different than on other days of the week. Normally, there are 3 buttons across the bottom for answer/voice (far right), decline (middle), and some other button on the left that I don't recall what it does, maybe decline w/text? But, on Mondays when a call comes in, a single button at the bottom middle tells me to slide up to answer or slide down to decline. Why is it different on Mondays? Neither of these are happening during the DND hours I have established (and I have the phone app ignoring DND).
Anybody else see these 2 different answering options?
It's Monday and I just tested mine. Unfortunately, I cannot take a screen shot during an incoming call, but I have Answer/Voice (Green - far right), Screen Call (Blue - middle) and Decline (Red - far left). Using a Pixel 8 Pro, Android 14 with July 2024 update.

If our 2 phones are behaving differently with the same hardware, Android version and update(?), I would guess that some other software is at play on your device. Did you buy a locked or unlocked phone (mine is unlocked)? Are you using Google's phone app (I do)? Are you using any 3rd party app attached to your phone app, like TrueCaller, RoboKiller, etc. (I don't)? Do you use Wi-Fi Calling (I don't)? If any of your answers are different than mine, that could be the reason you are getting 2 answering options and I am not.
Thanks for the quick response!
I don't know if locked or unlocked (how do I tell?).
Yes, google's phone app (as far as I know - I didn't change it).
No other phone apps that I know of.
Not on Wifi calling (I keep declining it when it shows up every other week).
If you bought your phone through a carrier in the U.S., it is most likely locked. The Google Support Community has the steps to check if your Pixel is locked or unlocked HERE.
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That's what I figured. Carrier Locked (for now).

It's just so weird that on Mondays (as far as I've been able to tell) it does this. Regardless of if I need my thumb print to unlock the screen or if it is already unlocked - that was my first thought, but I've seen it happen in both modes.
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That's what I figured. Carrier Locked (for now).

It's just so weird that on Mondays (as far as I've been able to tell) it does this. Regardless of if I need my thumb print to unlock the screen or if it is already unlocked - that was my first thought, but I've seen it happen in both modes.
It is pretty strange, but that's what makes the wacky world of Android so much fun. iOS isn't nearly as entertaining. 😉
Could you share a screenshot of each (obscuring PII), so we can get some idea?
This is odd, my bet is on a 3rd party dialer app, but it's tough to analyze without a bit more info.

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