Power Adaptor for Kindle Fire HD


New member
Jan 20, 2013
I was wondering I have a usb hub that can be plugged to a power adaptor, if I found a power adaptor with the Kindle Fire's (HD 7") requirements what are the chances of not frying it?

Also can I use the adaptor the usb hub came with even though its output isn't the same with what the Kindle requires? (it gives out less)

thank you in advance
My experience with USB hubs is they split the amps (or is it volts?) between all the ports available whether or not they are in use.

For my phones this means extremely slow charging even when they are the only device plugged in. For my kindle, with its higher power requirements, it means no charging at all (even when it is the only device in hub.)

For this reason I just have a bunch of high quality USB solo adapters and deal with it.
Right now I'm charging the Kindle Fire through the PC, in shut down -with no indication on how the charging is going which is a serious omission on their part- and it takes almost all day.

I'm not from the US and I'd like to avoid if possible spending 30 Pounds to buy the Kindle PowerAdaptor Kit, with 6 heads, when i only need just the 1 :/

If it's not much trouble can you recommend some USB solo adapters? (European if possible)
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