PowerAMP 1.0


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Oct 15, 2010
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I have not paid for it... yet. But I have pretty much decided that I will, and this will be my music player. The widget works great on my car screen, and leaves enough room for two smaller widgets. So far, the auto-start on headphone connect has read my mind perfectly and just starts playing as soon as I dock it in the car. I normally do not like that sort of thing, but I will wait to change it until it gets it wrong :).

Worth a try if you are unhappy with your current music player.


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Jul 20, 2010
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$5 isn't bad for this. Especially with all of the audio formats it plays. It's already the best music app out. If he gets the gapless playback working, it will have no peer on the Android platform.


Well-known member
Jun 14, 2010
Funny, I was thinking on my way to work that this app is so great I'd even pay $5 for it. Lo and behold, I see that it's up for $5. If the dev is good about supporting it, then there's no way I'll feel I made a mistake paying for it.

Some things I'd like to see, however:

1. Save EQ presets.
2. Option to have the back button skip to the beginning of the current track, instead of having to hit back and then forward.
3. More skins, although that's nitpicky. The ones that come with it look very professional.
4. GAPLESS!!!! PLEASE!!!!!


Well-known member
May 17, 2010
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Paid the 5$ the very minute I found this has been updated and optioned.

This app has taken over my phone as #1 audio device player.

I would have paid 9.99 for it, 4.99... in a heartbeat.

Some things are worth paying for.


Well-known member
May 17, 2010
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$5 is a friggin' bargain, this is a great app. If you complain about paying $5 for this, you should probably just stick to free apps with ads.


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2009
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I paid the $5 and have no issues doing so. I like to support developers especially when most of the apps are so reasonably priced and the developers tend to make quick updates. I understand some folks think the price is a little high but being a cellphone/smartphone user for many years the Android app prices are substantially lower then a lot of the other platforms.

I think to myself when did I find an app for my computer that I use as much an an Android app for Under $10?


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Jul 13, 2010
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I love the if "you won't pay five bucks you are a cheap ass and should go use free apps with ads, blah blah blah." That's your opinion. I don't listen to much of my own music on my Android mostly pandora. Therefore I would be willing to pay up to three bucks. That's just me though. I have plenty of paid apps but I don't just buy stuff simply because someone made it. See how I didn't try to push my opinion on to someone else?


Well-known member
May 17, 2010
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I love the if "you won't pay five bucks you are a cheap ass and should go use free apps with ads, blah blah blah." That's your opinion. I don't listen to much of my own music on my Android mostly pandora. Therefore I would be willing to pay up to three bucks. That's just me though. I have plenty of paid apps but I don't just buy stuff simply because someone made it. See how I didn't try to push my opinion on to someone else?

I certainly respect your opinion, and apologize if I sounded rude in my previous post. I want developers to make good money on their apps, but prefer not to have to look at ads if possible (though sometimes they are very tastefully displayed and not in the way). If developers can make a buck, we will see more developers join in, and we will get much higher quality apps. I am not saying that we should all just throw money at these guys every time they throw together an app, but I believe PowerAmp is a cut-above the rest. It is a really nice app that should demand a higher price than some of the other crap floating around the market.

$5 seems like a very fair price to me, that is my opinion, and that is all.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2010
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I certainly respect your opinion, and apologize if I sounded rude in my previous post. I want developers to makje good money on their apps, but prefer not to have to look at ads if possible (though sometimes they are very tastefully displayed and not in the way). If developers can make a buck, we will see more developers join in, and we will get much higher quality apps. I am not saying that we should all just throw money at these guys every time they throw together an app, but I believe PowerAmp is a cut-above the rest. It is a really nice app that should demand a higher price than some of the other crap floating around the market.

$5 seems like a very fair price to me, that is my opinion, and that is all.

Definitely a great app. I really like the lock screen widget.


Well-known member
May 17, 2010
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Agreed, a few things that really impressed me about it was the ability to fetch album art and edit the ID3 tags within the app. Oh, and the EQ, good stuff. Now the only thing I need to do is buy a 32gb sd card and I just might be able to leave my ipod touch at home.

BTW I use Slacker (cached/streaming) more than I use an MP3 player as well, but that is partially because I have not been a fan of the music player on my Evo. This app really makes up for that.


Retired Moderator
Nov 22, 2009
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Oh that extra quarter might be my breaking point. Lol jk. Look I think five is hight but I still may buy it lol.

i am in the same position. 5$ for a media player app is pushing it a bit, well atleast for me. Power amp looks sweet but all of those settings just confuse this fool haha. i know the basics when it comes to music but i am far from being a guru.

i guess if you think about it, there is always the 24 hour grace period after a purchase. i could always buy it, test it out and if i like it then i will keep it. If not, then i guess i could get a refund.


Well-known member
Jun 14, 2010
I can understand how it's high for people who may not use their phone as a music player that often. I have a ZuneHD and like using that, but sometimes I don't feel like having two devices in my pocket, so I'll go every other day with just my phone. In that situation, PowerAMP is a Godsend. Once I set the EQ, it seemed like my Evo sounded 10 times better.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2010
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I had the mentality of "man that's too much for an app" for a while. Then one day I was thinking about whether or not to purchase a certain game and it occurred to me I used to dump about $15-$20 in quarters into arcade games at my local 7-11 when I was a kid and that was just to play a game for a couple hours. That kind of put things in perspective for me.:eek:

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