Prime vs S2


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Mar 17, 2011
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I see you posting this type of thing repeatedly in different threads, but I don't really get it.

First- it's wrong. The GS2 first shipped at the end of May. If it hits here end of August, that's 3 months.

Second- who cares? Compare the specs of the GS2 with the Bionic, and they are at least comparable. Why does it matter that this phone released elsewhere 3 months ago, if the "new" phones releasing around the same time as the GS2 aren't any better, or are even inferior. Being 3 months old doesn't make it any less competitive.

I'm still deciding on which near-term Verizon release I'll be upgrading to. But, if anything, the fact that the phone has been tested by millions of users for a few months is a point in its favor when comparing it against the "new" competition.

I have to agree with that. I rather have a device that is a good device and 3 months old and getting great reviews, then buy something new on opening day. Because of how the tbolt turned out (it was ranked the #1 worse device to was mentioned with the motorola citrus:'( mainly because of all the software issues) I will be waiting for reviews from users for now on and not jump on the hype wagon. The SGS2 great reviews and hopefully it translate over to the vzw version...if not I could see people rioting if vzw take a good device like that and turning it into the fascinate.


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Oct 6, 2010
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I must admit I got tired of waiting and spent the money on a tablet. Hopefully the nexus prime is real but I wont hold my breath. Considering ever since the nexus was started it was hyped as being the next super phone every year. Yes the nexus is the most stable of android devices and will get updates first but it is not the best specs and that is what sells phones...well that and bells and whistles.

Your point sounds a little anti nexus, but I half agree. The Nexus one was the most advanced android hardware wise on release, and that is why I can only half agree with you. The nexus s, while sect, wasn't the advanced beast the first iteration was, and no removable sd card, and other devices launching with similar hardware really tarnished the nexus allure. Will the prime minister once again? Who knows. The sg2 is tops right now;)


Jul 26, 2011
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The nexus isn't supposed to be the best spec wise it was more for devs to get their apps on the latest version of android. Yes the nexus 1 was great spec wise but with stock android that is the thing it doesn't need super duper specs because it performs so well with no skins on top of it. Look at the nexus s it doesnt compete spec wise yet they still praise it as being smoother than all of these superphones. There is a reason they keep putting all these increases in other phones and how it still is a great phone but not as good as the nexus line.

Castor Troy

Apr 13, 2011
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The allure of the concept of the Nexus for me is it's open (obviously) and it gets all the goodies first.

The allure of the GS2 is it's open and has the specs. My Droid has lasted a long time so I fully expect when I purchase the Galaxy I will get the same mileage out of it. Nothing better than a totally open device.It's about options and specs for me. I can root and flash or keep it stock. Possibilities are endless.


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Oct 6, 2010
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The nexus isn't supposed to be the best spec wise it was more for devs to get their apps on the latest version of android. Yes the nexus 1 was great spec wise but with stock android that is the thing it doesn't need super duper specs because it performs so well with no skins on top of it. Look at the nexus s it doesnt compete spec wise yet they still praise it as being smoother than all of these superphones. There is a reason they keep putting all these increases in other phones and how it still is a great phone but not as good as the nexus line.

Oh my friend....I could not disagree more. Google has always had a page dedicated to touting the specs of the nexus Nexus S ?€“ The new Android phone from Google Yes, it is a premium development phone, AND is a consumer device meant to be Google's idea of what a phone SHOULD be, not a device for developers to come up with that idea, rather support, and enhance the development of Google's OS.

The reason the Nexus will always have premium performance is because the OS is built around ONE set of chips, then it is ported to other hardware; secondly, you are right, manufacture skins bloat it. The nexus s did compete spec wise, the nexus one had Zero competition spec wise.

I am reading rumors here on AC that ICS will be built around Texas Instruments. I like that. If the nexus wasn't about specs, then it would never have been brought to market. Everything is about specs, and more specifically innovation. That is what the nexus strives to be, innovative. I can't join the SG2 crew yet or the Prime crew yet. I am amused at the line being drawn in the sand at this point.


Retired Moderator
Oct 6, 2010
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My amusement is because I don't think the sg2 and prime will ever compete timewise. The sg2 is the best android device this year. Should be good iPhone comp.


Retired Moderator
Oct 6, 2010
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Agree, Prime is vapor in 2011. I predict Q1 2012 it will drop

I hope it does drop that early, being in school, I can only get one or the other and I am not one to wait. I hope VZW gets the S2 soon! A charge, dx2, TB2 don't even interest me.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2011
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Agree, Prime is vapor in 2011. I predict Q1 2012 it will drop

That is IF the prime turn out to be what people hope. I think a lot of these phones come down to a few things. 1) hype: we want this super phone and every year we want better than what we got. When we had d1's clocked to 600 we wanted 1 gig. When we got d2's and dx's at 1 gig we want dual core. We will always want to see the limits pushed. 2) Manufactures and engineers may have 3 or 4phones slated as the premiere device (for the sake of my post lets call it the nexus megatron). So they may have 3 or 4 nexus megatrons being tested. One of them may be a quad core, super hd display, speaker sound and quality of bose speakers, and built like a tank. The others may be missing certain features or have a different design look. They will then present them to the carriers. The carrier will weigh cost and how much they can make off of it. The super phone may be the best of all specs but it will cost more and most us carriers know that the threshold for phones are 99-249 (really 99-199). So they will have to eat the cost of those phones initially, but they know they will make it back. Now the carrier want to pay as little as possible in this deal so if they can get you buying it at 249 then they make more of a profit the rest of your contract. If you get it for free then they have to wait 6 months before they profit.
My point being that the testers may leak all these pics and specs of a super phone, but until the carrier buy off on it, it may never leave the testing grounds. SO it is not that all the leaks about superphones are fake, though some are, it is just many are concept phones that may get axed or pushed back for another year. Will the specs for the nexus prime actually turn out to make it to the shelves or are we seeing a concept device that will not see the light of day?

Castor Troy

Apr 13, 2011
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No idea if the rumored specs will make into consumers hands pc747 but It's a safe bet to say one is in the pipeline. Where, when and who will get it is anyone's guess at this time. I realize there is rumor it's coming to Verizon but until that is verified all it is is rumor.

I'll take the stance of "wait and see" on that.

I won't be waiting on it though. If it comes out Q1 I'll make the decision then to pay full retail or not.


Retired Moderator
Oct 6, 2010
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No idea if the rumored specs will make into consumers hands pc747 but It's a safe bet to say one is in the pipeline. Where, when and who will get it is anyone's guess at this time. I realize there is rumor it's coming to Verizon but until that is verified all it is is rumor.

I'll take the stance of "wait and see" on that.

I won't be waiting on it though. If it comes out Q1 I'll make the decision then to pay full retail or not.

I agree, it definitely will drop. Wait and see;)
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Mar 17, 2011
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I dont doubt it will drop. Just hope big red actually jumps on the nexus band wagon and it turn out to be a promoted device either that or they just make it another DROID.

irl Panda

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Jul 16, 2011
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I dont doubt it will drop. Just hope big red actually jumps on the nexus band wagon and it turn out to be a promoted device either that or they just make it another DROID.

Seriously doubt Google would allow Verizon to brand their device as a Droid device.


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Mar 17, 2011
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Seriously doubt Google would allow Verizon to brand their device as a Droid device.

I was meaning that they have the device in place and later just change from nexus to Droid, ie Incredible was suppose to be a nexus device but fell through so they rebranded it.


Jul 26, 2011
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I was meaning that they have the device in place and later just change from nexus to Droid, ie Incredible was suppose to be a nexus device but fell through so they rebranded it.

The inc was never meant to be a nexus. Verizon got it because at the time google was only selling the nexus phones online so the carriers wouldn't make any money off of them.


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2010
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I really don't think it'll come to Verizon. The Nexus phones still don't generate the sales of flagship Droid devices with their marketing, so popularity isn't a reason for Verizon wanting it (as has been stated).

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