Question about Google search bar, can I get some help?


New member
Oct 29, 2015
Question about Google search bar

Hi all-

I am curious about the Google App and the Google search bar. I have no idea what these things are for. I know that this allows me to access OK Google, but I am not remotely interested in talking to my phone. (I use my phone to talk to other people sometimes, but that is another story.) Anyway, I disabled OK Google, but I am still stuck with the Google search bar. My OCD hates that thing. I don't want to use it, and it is the most prominent thing on my homescreen. Removing it seems to not be an option. Further, there is a specific Google app that I cannot understand the purpose of. Isn't Google what I'm using when I type things into Chrome? What do I need another fake Chrome for?

Anyway, I don't see the need for the search bar or the Google app, which I assume are the same thing. The Nexus 5x does not seem to want to let me remove or hide them. Internet searches reveal that removing them is a bad idea. They suggest using a separate launcher. I'm okay with this, as it should hide the search bar, but I am curious if this is the best or only path. I am also curious what the downsides of a launcher are. Does it affect performance by adding another layer of garbage over the standard interface or are some lighter or heavier than others? How can I tell which are better or worse for performance (speed, battery, etc.)?

Ok, so my questions are:
1) Why is there a Google app in addition to Chrome? Is this just overlapped functionality?
2) If I decide to hide the search bar, what is the best way?
3) If I decide to use a launcher to hide these apps that annoy me, which one is the lightest of best performing...or how do I tell?


B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
Re: Question about Google search bar

Welcome to Android Central! The Google app is the search app, which includes Google Now and OK Google. It allows you to do searches independent of the browser, and also brings up useful data and interactive tools (like weather reports, translators, currency converters, etc.). If you tap a search result, then the browser will open to that link.

Although it's not advisable, you can Disable the Google app by going to Settings>Apps>All, selecting Google App, and tapping Disable. Don't be surprised if certain features of your phone stop working correctly if you do this, though.

It's probably easier for you to install a 3rd party launcher like Nova Launcher. With these launchers, you can choose to remove the Google search bar, and customize the homescreen interface in many other ways as well.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2013
Re: Question about Google search bar

Chrome is just an internet browser. Google Now/OK Google is a baked in, native search app. Not only can it search the internet, but it can be used to search your phone too (apps, contacts, music, etc.).

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
Re: Question about Google search bar

Not only can it search the internet, but it can be used to search your phone too (apps, contacts, music, etc.).

Excellent point. You can adjust those settings by opening the Google Settings in the App Drawer, and tapping Search & Now>Phone Search.


New member
Oct 29, 2015
Re: Question about Google search bar

Thanks for the responses, y'all-

What functionality do I lose by disabling the Google app? Anything outside of searching my device?

Why do I need Chrome if the Google app can search my phone and the internet?

I installed a launcher, but it seems silly to put a skin over the whole OS just because I don't want to stare at this one bar that I don't feel I have a use for.

Is there a way to test the launcher to find out if it affects performance (battery or speed)?


Javier P

Feb 21, 2014
Re: Question about Google search bar

Good launchers, like Nova, won't have any negative effects on performance or battery life. Just a recommendation in line with what B Diddy said before. Being a Nexus you need to be extra careful if you want to disable the Google app. It's the stock launcher in your phone and you don't want to end up without one. Keep a custom launcher installed and you can always switch back to stock in settings - home.

Obviously it's up to you but I wouldn't disable the Google app.

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
Re: Question about Google search bar

What functionality do I lose by disabling the Google app? Anything outside of searching my device?

I've never tried this. Considering that a recent update of the Google app actually changed the App Drawer from a horizontal scrolling card format to a continuous vertical scrolling format makes me wonder if disabling it might cause some significant glitches.

Why do I need Chrome if the Google app can search my phone and the internet?

The Google app is purely for search, and can give you summarized results. But if you want to see the actual linked webpages, you need the browser. I also suspect the Google app is somewhat faster in returning search results than the Chrome browser.

OK Google is a pretty neat feature--have you spent any time using it? It can be helpful if you need to search for something, but can't type the search out at that time (e.g., you're carrying a big bag of groceries or a kid). Being able to say, for example, "Ok Google, how long is the drive home?" can be quite convenient--it'll tell you the estimated driving time, and give you the best route based on traffic.


Trusted Member
Aug 22, 2011
Re: Question about Google search bar

Just try to learn to ignore the little search bar. It can be annoying if you don't use it but the amount of functionality you'd lose by disabling Google would offset the minor annoyance of seeing the bar.


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2012
Re: Question about Google search bar

If you don't like the search bar, the thing to do is switch to nova. Definitely the least painful option.

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