question about Sky ICS


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Mar 12, 2011
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To those folks who are running Sky ICS... is there any way to change the phone icon and application to the stock TW? I really don't like the phone app interface it lacks a few features not mention the ugly call button under the person's profile. Aside of that, the Rom is really awesome. I know I could have asked this question directly at xda on sky ICS forum but my score is lower than 10 so I can't do that..
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Sep 12, 2011
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The only way that I know of to change icons is to use another launcher like Apex or ADW. But even with that, I don't know where to get the stock Touchwiz icons.


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Mar 12, 2011
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I see jedah.. As far as I remember when you install the skyICS base there is a standard TW interface but once you apply the update it changes to something else. I hope Sean will eventually get to that too :) other than that this from rocks!


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May 18, 2011
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Ya its Touchwiz UX from the Galaxy S3...I don't really like it but then again I don't really like Touchwiz at all :D

As far as I know, you'd have to edit the apk for each app to change the icon if you wanted to keep the Twiz launcher. Not too hard just a little time consuming.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2
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Mar 12, 2011
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Ya its Touchwiz UX from the Galaxy S3...I don't really like it but then again I don't really like Touchwiz at all :D

As far as I know, you'd have to edit the apk for each app to change the icon if you wanted to keep the Twiz launcher. Not too hard just a little time consuming.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2
Oh i see.. well, guess i'll keep what i have now and enjoy it. Iam a fan of TW btw lol. lol but thanks or the information Ronnie!


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May 18, 2011
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Actually now that I'm thinking about it, you could probably just replace the phone app in /system/app to change the icon. Just replace the apk from another rom that has the icons you like. Make sure to clear data in application settings or you could see some force closes :)

I found the apk and uploaded to dev-host. Here's a link
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Mar 12, 2011
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Ronnie thank you! Unfortunately it is not working. the phone app is still the same. I did clear the data and rebooted the phone too but to no avail.
On a side note, after the latest update (15O9) the battery life got really bad and my phone is overheating at the top. So will have to go to some previous versions...


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Feb 5, 2011
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Trev, give it a day. I changed from Nexus to this ROM 1509 yesterday and the battery drained quickly. I charged overnight and now, it is as good as ever. I really do like this ROM better than the NEXUS.

Luvin my rocket.:D


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wilbarger, I did charge it overnight and used today. the battery for me is simply abysmal... idk what the developer did but he managed to mess something up. also people can hear an echo when i talk to them and its being discussed at the skyics thread already. I might however do a complete wipe and reinstall...


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Feb 5, 2011
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Yeah, I have seen several complaints about the echo in other forums. Just looked at my battery after 12 hours and I am still at 66%. I will know more tomorrow after using FreeCaddie at the golf course. It usually kick the battery down quite a bit. Good luck on the wipe and reinstall. I had to do that once already after trying to flash a new launcher. Kinda sucks since I have to reload the phonebook and resync to my phone system on the cars. Good luck.


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Mar 12, 2011
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Yeah, I have seen several complaints about the echo in other forums. Just looked at my battery after 12 hours and I am still at 66%. I will know more tomorrow after using FreeCaddie at the golf course. It usually kick the battery down quite a bit. Good luck on the wipe and reinstall. I had to do that once already after trying to flash a new launcher. Kinda sucks since I have to reload the phonebook and resync to my phone system on the cars. Good luck.

thank you. could you tell me how many hours of screen time you got after 12 hours? my phone was down to 33% within 6hrs with 1hr 30min screen time


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I am not sure where to check screen time. Still learning the in's and out's of this phone. Let me know and I will send it right back. By the way, thanks for the information on Sky ICS.


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Mar 12, 2011
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I am not sure where to check screen time. Still learning the in's and out's of this phone. Let me know and I will send it right back. By the way, thanks for the information on Sky ICS.

no prob. I am glad you like it. i really love this rom too just finished reflashing from a complete wipe... will see how it goes..
to see the screen time go to: Settings - Battery and tap on Screen there shoudl be Time on info....


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Feb 5, 2011
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OK, figured it out. Unfortunately, I reset the phone 1 hour ago and wiped the screen data. I will check it tomorrow when using GPS and golf app during the round of golf. That should give us an absolute worst case with about 3-3.5 hours of GPS. I will make sure that I have a full charge before starting and let you know tomorrow afternoon.


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Time to report in. I did not get to play golf today, so did not really hammer the battery. I am running under the following conditions - WiFi on, Bluetooth on, GPS on and screen at about 60% with Auto Brightness off.

I am at 9 hurs 36 minutes and 76% battery left. Screen time is 1 hour 33 minutes.

I intentionally turned off the screen auto brightness today to try to drain the battery more. Also, screen timeout is at minute.

Hope this info is of some help. Any better luck with your echo and battery since the re-flash?
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Mar 12, 2011
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wilbarger thanks for this info! it looks like you are getting some reaaaly good results... Unfortunately I haven't been able to successfuly reflash yesterday, i tried two times with a complete wipe but after applying the update i had system FCs so I had to temporarily go back to ATT ICS leak for today (needed to use my phone somehow) and just now finished loading SkyICS 15ish. i noticed that boot logo also hopefully I will have the same results as you do I will report tomorrow how it goes. I do lots of internet browsing and some gaming too so if I'll be able to achieve around 3hrs of screen time for the full day that would be perfect...


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Mar 12, 2011
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So since this morning I've been intensively testing the battery. And I have all radios on and the brightness on auto... I was also switching between LTE and WiFi intermittently and here are my results: 4hrs and 25 mins. on battery, screen time 2hrs 41mins. And the battery currently is at 43% Which is really not that bad at all meaning I could probably go for another two hours before the battery will hit 10% I have been browsing the web, playing games and left my phone on the desk playing 1hr video from YouTube. Also I used GPS with google maps for about 5 yeah...I would imagine my phone will probably last for about good 20 hours with my normal usage scenario (about 2 hrs of screen time daily.) I will nandroid this rom right now.... I do have a small issue with powerAMP widget gets messed up and I have to remove and put it back again.. Aside of that no serious problems...