This is happening on my Pixel 8 recently also. Not being able to see the battery/signal info at a glance is frustrating.
A quick test: My phone is on my desk charging.
- Let the screen turn itself off after a few seconds
- Press the power button to wake the screen
- Note down whether the top bar is visible or not
- Repeat this test 10 times, here are the results:
attempt 1: top bar visible
attempt 2: top bar NOT visible
attempt 3: top bar NOT visible
attempt 4: top bar NOT visible
attempt 5: top bar NOT visible - but appeared after a few seconds
attempt 6: top bar NOT visible
attempt 7: top bar NOT visible
attempt 8: top bar visible
attempt 9: top bar NOT visible
attempt 10: top bar NOT visible
The top bar on the lock screen is broken approximately 80% of the time.
Hi, you described the problem well.
Since there are no solutions to the problem, I sent a feedback to Google with the Pixel's specific function.
The more people report the problem, the sooner they will solve it, I hope.
In my opinion, however, most people do not even notice the problem.