After trading in my Note 7 (twice), I decided to order the Pixel XL (Very Silver, 128gb). My current phone is the S7 Active, which is going to be my husband's, when I finally decide on a phone. He needs to replace his S6, but it's not urgent, so he suggested when I traded the Note 7, to replace it with something he would want until I decided which phone to get for myself.

I've ordered/cancelled the Pixel three times. I really like the idea of Google Assistant and trying out Project Fi, but I'm annoyed at no wireless charging. I also wonder if I'll miss some of Samsung's "bells and whistles." I didn't think I was going to bother with AOD, and I love it. I use Samsung Pay more than Android Pay, but neither of them supports my bank.

I have to use my Chase cc. The S7 Edge was my loaner phone while I waited for the replacement Note 7. I liked it...didn't love it as much as my Note, but I'm not sure there was a good reason for that because I don't use the S-Pen a lot.
If I get the S7Edge, I'm going to get an unlocked version. I assume my husband and I can switch around our SIM cards, so the Active would have his SIM, and the Edge would have mine? We have multi-device insurance on our AT&T plan (w/ our son/DIL). Does anyone know if that would also cover the Edge, even though I didn't buy from AT&T?
I'm not a patient person, so part of me wonders if I'm just tired of waiting for the Pixel and want something new NOW. But I've had some reservations about the Pixel all along, because I really have loved most of my Samsung phones.