Reject Gingerbread


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2011
If you haven?t the Gingerbread notification yet, but you don?t want it installed, here?s how to reject it, based on a few other snippets I found here:

1. The notification offers Now, Later and More Info. Choose More Info.

2. Immediately pull the battery out.

3. Wait a bit, reinstall and restart.

4. You may have to repeat steps 2 and 3.

I?m sure this is common knowledge to many, but may help some...
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I don't know about anyone else but ever since getting and "ignoring" 3 or 4 notices to upgrade yesterday I hanvn't gotten any more since... I wonder if they pulled the OTA push with all the complaints?
the update is far more stable than any of the roms i was running before. there are a few minor bugs with it but i have yet to have a random reboot for no reason and every feature works.
I wish I'd known how to do this soon. I accepted the Gingerbread update and have had problems with it from the moment it downloaded.

The stock keyboard auto correct and suggestions do not work. The keyboard only offers names from your contacts.

And when making calls on skype, if you have a headset or headphones pulled into the phone, the person you call cannot hear you. for some reason the headset disables your microphone. so it only works without a headset.

These are just problems I found on the first day after I updated it. I hate to see what other bugs there will be as the days go on. I agree, if possible reject Gingerbread until all the problems are fixed.
Why would you want to reject Gingerbread Update?

The above and a lot of other reasons spooked me, especially the ones about weak battery charging. It doesn?t seem worth the risk of winding up with a bunch of new problems -- I?ve learned to live with the ones I already have. It was a perplexing decision and I?ll never know if I was right, but oh well...
i would reject the update only way i can charge the phone if its turned is super slow and supper laggy....terrible idea to bring 2.3 with this phone knowing it had limited internal memory
Apparently there is a new Gingerbread being sent out? And apparently because of my tricking the original Gingerbread into oblivion, it won’t offer me the new version. Now I’m curious...
To my knowledge the new baseband version, zvi, has been quasi announced but we havent had anyone say they had recieved it. The new info is basically just to say that they are going to try and fix the craptastic current release.
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The ZVI rdf doesn't mean they are releasing it. It just means they are testing it. They could go through many releases, ZVJ, ZVK, etc. before they reach something they'll release, or they may never release something again.

Again, all the ZVI rdf means is some people at Sprint are testing that build. You might never see it released or it could get released tomorrow.

AFAIK there is NO NEW OTA RELEASE being pushed out at this time.
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here?s how to reject it...

Just noticed that the Market says I have an Optimus One with 2.3.3. I never had either one! I can see how I tricked it into thinking I had 2.3.3, but why an Optimus One? And of course, there?s no way to correct all that...

[sorry about the dead horse]
Just noticed that the Market says I have an Optimus One with 2.3.3. I never had either one! I can see how I tricked it into thinking I had 2.3.3, but why an Optimus One? And of course, there’s no way to correct all that...

[sorry about the dead horse]
Okay, I'll bite: How do you see what the Market says you have? Google account via the webpage? What baseband & ROM are you running?

And yes, it's been a while since I've seen a ZVH haters' picketing thread. :D
Check out my Plaintive Post here. After upgrading to GB I'd been experiencing several problems which, as the more experienced users explained, were largely because of that. Look for EZ Duzit's post with a link to instructions for rolling back to Froyo. At the same time I rooted, and it's resulted in a tremendous improvement.

Thanks to the helpful and knowledgeable members here, there is a lot of good advice about this in that other thread.

The only minor drawback is that GB does have some features that I like; I hope it can be fixed for this phone and re-released.
I get the feeling that the Optimus was designed to run on FroYo circa late 2010, and the hell with whatever happens after. Its sole intention was to indoctrinate noobs like me into the glorious Android Universe, and it’s succeeded at that. But it wasn’t prepared for OS revisions and probably never will be. It is what it is...

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