Reporting Android bugs


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May 10, 2022
I believe I have discovered a bug; when I try to attach a file e.g. to an email, I would like to use my work-OneDrive but it is not available in the menus. I can use OneDrive normally otherwise, but when trying to attach a file to any app, I cannot browse to my work-OneDrive at all.

Phone is OnePlus 9 with Android 12, more specifically LE2113_11_C.47. Everything should be up-to-date.

I tried to google how to make a bug report, but everything I found was way too complicated.

Does someone know how to report this and where?
Welcome to Android Central! There is probably a feedback option in the OneDrive app settings. Also look in the phone's system settings and look for a Help/Feedback section there.
Some more info about the way the phone is configured is needed here. If that truly is a work-related OneDrive, is the phone set up for work use using a mobile device management system such as MobileIron or the Microsoft Company Portal app or some other way that gets you a work profile on the phone? If so - is the email app you're trying to use to send the item from OneDrive part of the company configuration? In my experience - the work profile can access data in the personal profile (I can attach a picture from my personal camera roll when using the work email app) but I can't access work data from the personal side.

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