Retrieving Apps


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Dec 26, 2012
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Hey there,
I bought my gf a S3 for Christmas and she downloaded a ton of apps/widgets through the Play Store. The phone got buggy so I took it in and they gave me new one. How do I get all the apps that were downloaded through the Play Store back?


Sep 4, 2009
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Assuming you used the same google account (email address) when you set up the new phone as on the old, just go to the Google Play store ( ) and sign in with that account. Click on the tab "My Apps" at the upper right, and all the apps you've previously downloaded will be listed. I don't think there's any way to reinstall them all at once; you'll have to do it one at a time.

But I have a suggestion: DON'T reinstall all of them right now. Do a few at a time, and if the phone starts getting buggy, uninstall the last few you added, and see if that fixes the problem. While bad hardware does happen, most problems are caused by 3rd party apps that are either buggy themselves, or interact with other apps in bad ways.

If she (or you) installed a task manager, memory manager, or battery saver, don't reinstall them. They often cause more problems than they solve.