Returning the Nexus 4


Feb 3, 2013
Three days with the phone were enough to fall in love with the OS (I have always used iOS devices).
But hardware is of poor quality.

- it won't connect to my home wifi (all other devices can access it no problem)
- signal drops when picking up the device in one hand
- buzzing sound coming from the earpiece
- rattling sound (which I have read on this forum some say it's normal. But if it is normal, why do some people not have it?)
- battery life way too short

Too bad, love the large screen, love Android.
But I am going back to a device with great build quality. And if there is any problem I can go to the shop and have it replaced as many times as it takes to have a fully working one.
What device did you come from? I don't have any of these issues besides a barely noticeable rattle. You might want to try an RMA and see if you can get a new one without these issues.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Android Central Forums
You might want to try an RMA and see if you can get a new one without these issues.
Give the N4 one more chance. I had the rattle and the buzzing issues. The RMA process was very easy. My replacement does not have the buzz and battery life is better, although I was not bothered by it before. Rattling is still there but that also doesn't bother me. I don't believe that will ever go away.

The Google RMA reps are very pleasant and definitely make me believe that Google wants us to be happy with our N4's. I'm sure they will refund your money if you are not happy with your replacement.
I have none of the problems you experience. Maybe you got a bad device. I think it's hard for iphone users to switch over. The Android UI is too customizable and leaves an iphone user frustrated. I'm not saying that iphone users are dumb...Android users just enjoy figuring out how to have things their way, and iphone users think Steve Jobs is God, so his way must be the right way.
Probably a bad unit. I'm still waiting for my N4. I still have a pretty old LG phone (Optimus V), probably 2 years old, which had no problems so far. The main issue is the complete lack of upgrades, so I'm looking forward to always having the latest OS version on the Nexus 4.

There is something to be said for having a brick and mortar shop where you can return or replace your device, as in the case of Apple.
I have none of the problems you experience. Maybe you got a bad device. I think it's hard for iphone users to switch over. The Android UI is too customizable and leaves an iphone user frustrated. I'm not saying that iphone users are dumb...Android users just enjoy figuring out how to have things their way, and iphone users think Steve Jobs is God, so his way must be the right way.

I agree with some of what you are saying. My iphone friends that want to come to android and ask my opinion I tell them two things: 1. Commit to at least three weeks with the phone to learn how to use and customize 2. Leave "but I can do this on my iphone" out of the vocabulary and even if you do this you still might not be able to break away from Apple and relapse lol!

Android and iOS are different. Not better or worse but different and it takes time for iOS users to accept that Android is not iOS but can offer a great experience in the Google ecosystem. I think Nexus is particularly hard since it is simply Android without some of the tweaks etc from manufacturers which in my view are often pretty nifty and can save you time etc. The pull down screen toggles for touch wiz for example. I really like and use them quite a bit. I am using NFC tags to automate most of these on my Nexus 4.
What device did you come from? I don't have any of these issues besides a barely noticeable rattle. You might want to try an RMA and see if you can get a new one without these issues.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Android Central Forums

This. The problems you describe are not unheard of, but they are not common and are often fixable with an RMA. Try that, and if you're still not happy with the replacement device, then go back to the iPhone.
Oh man, sorry to hear that. I ordered my first android phone device N4 yesterday. Hoping to receive it sometime this week. I am coming from Iphone 4, got tired of ios, and hoping to learn and have fun with android.
It's kind of sad and disappointing to read so much hostility towards members on this forum who dare to criticise or share negative experiences with Android or the N4.

Worse yet is that we appear to still be languishing in the Neanderthal dark age of 'Android vs iOS' flinging 'dumb phone' around (which for pieces of technology with stacks more power then it took to put a man on the moon is quite an ironic and moronic term really) and insinuating someone's intelligence is lesser based on their choice of cell phone. Listen to yourselves.

Believe it or not, those of us with iPhone's can quite capably use and figure out Android, given I'm using a Nexus 7 to post this. Shocker! "Someone uses an iPhone 5 AND a Nexus 7!? BURN HIM!". Being in a position to actively take part and witness forums from both sides, I can honestly say this sort of behaviour is much more rife on the Android side of the fence.

Quite frankly I have never heard so much rubbish, the poster above who claims, through no experience of their own I might add, that iOS users find it "frustrating". Widgets. That's about the only really massive difference and it takes all of five minutes to work them out. Everything else works in a very similar fashion. Aside from all this, the OP declared his love for the operating system just disappointment with the hardware.

So he could have thought more about his last sentence, which probably incited the negativity in the replies the most. Nevertheless he does have a point as someone else later pointed out the obvious advantage of brick and mortar.

Can't we all just, get along?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
- Wifi on both the N4s I had worked fine. I turned it on, put in my wifi password and I was good to go. Maybe you're getting the password wrong or your settings are off.
- Dont know what you mean by your signal drops. So, its fine when your not touching it...but when you pick it up the signal drops? That sound normal to you?
- Never had that issue, but I hear other phones are known to have it sometimes as well.
- I have the rattling I think but I barely even notice it.
- Battery life, YMMV. Stock, I would get 11-12hrs or better with about moderate use, 2 or 2.5 hours screen on time. Even with Franco Kernel from rooting and ROMing its a moderate increease but more than enough to last the day.

Most of these problems sound like a defective unit to me. Either RMA, or just check these helpful forums to see if others have these issues and solutions.
Jesus people not everyone is a troll just because they don't like a phone. Lighten up. Be happy. After all the Ravens did win the super bowl!!

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Android Central Forums
It's kind of sad and disappointing to read so much hostility towards members on this forum who dare to criticise or share negative experiences with Android or the N4.

Worse yet is that we appear to still be languishing in the Neanderthal dark age of 'Android vs iOS' flinging 'dumb phone' around (which for pieces of technology with stacks more power then it took to put a man on the moon is quite an ironic and moronic term really) and insinuating someone's intelligence is lesser based on their choice of cell phone. Listen to yourselves.

Believe it or not, those of us with iPhone's can quite capably use and figure out Android, given I'm using a Nexus 7 to post this. Shocker! "Someone uses an iPhone 5 AND a Nexus 7!? BURN HIM!". Being in a position to actively take part and witness forums from both sides, I can honestly say this sort of behaviour is much more rife on the Android side of the fence.

Quite frankly I have never heard so much rubbish, the poster above who claims, through no experience of their own I might add, that iOS users find it "frustrating". Widgets. That's about the only really massive difference and it takes all of five minutes to work them out. Everything else works in a very similar fashion. Aside from all this, the OP declared his love for the operating system just disappointment with the hardware.

So he could have thought more about his last sentence, which probably incited the negativity in the replies the most. Nevertheless he does have a point as someone else later pointed out the obvious advantage of brick and mortar.

Can't we all just, get along?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

Here's a kicker I love and use the nexus 4 and for my tablet I use the iPad mini I always have the best of both worlds phone android tablet to has better designed apps on the iPad. I plan to continue oh I an gonna get a chrome book but I hate Samsung so waiting for nice one from another manufacturer first.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
I think people are objecting to his conclusion that the phone "can't connect to his wifi" and "signal drops when picking up the device in one hand" are endemic to all nexus 4, rather than perhaps to his getting one bad unit. It's rather obvious from the briefest browsing of this forum that those are NOT something common to this particular phone.

Saying "I'm going back to a device with great build quality" is also a very provocative thing to say, especially when your sample size is all of ONE phone. I'm not too inclined to criticize those being a bit harsh in reaction because the OP *did* make unwarranted logical leaps AND insult the device based on his single experience.
Worse yet is that we appear to still be languishing in the Neanderthal dark age of....insinuating someone's intelligence is lesser based on their choice of cell phone. Listen to yourselves.

Being in a position to actively take part and witness forums from both sides, I can honestly say this sort of behaviour is much more rife on the Android side of the fence.

Can't we all just, get along?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

I agreed with a lot of what you said except what i've paraphrased here above in the quoted section. I always laugh when pro-Apple people chastize Anti-Apple people for criticizing. Then they say it's more prevalent on the Android side of the fence. First off, that's your experience. My experience is the EXACT OPPOSITE and I have only been using Android for 16 months. I didn't have a smartphone before, and all I ever heard was Apple fans being arrogant and rude about Android. The most common STUPID phrase was: "Apple can do everything Android can except better."

That was what made me actually research and make my choice that best fit my needs. You are absolutely correct that it is asinine to judge someone based on their phone choice. But it's equally asinine to pretend it only happens on one side of the coin, OR to even pretend like it's more common. Just because you have experienced it one way, doesn't make it factually correct so don't try to use it as a sort of foundation to your post.
I agree with you! I too used Android for years before i ever used an iPhone so I am familiar with both internet communities and I can say that the Android community is just angry and bitter, you rarely see that on the iOS sites, they do not spend time and energy bashing other platforms, Android sites on the other hand.... I am not going there!

You don't see many arguments on the ios sites because there is nothing to argue have one phone. We've got choices over here, and it's all these choices that we enjoy fusing over. We're all pretty passionate about which one of our umpteen models we have to choose from is the best (though they are all great).

That's how we roll!
It's kind of sad and disappointing to read so much hostility towards members on this forum who dare to criticise or share negative experiences with Android or the N4.

Worse yet is that we appear to still be languishing in the Neanderthal dark age of 'Android vs iOS' flinging 'dumb phone' around (which for pieces of technology with stacks more power then it took to put a man on the moon is quite an ironic and moronic term really) and insinuating someone's intelligence is lesser based on their choice of cell phone. Listen to yourselves.

Believe it or not, those of us with iPhone's can quite capably use and figure out Android, given I'm using a Nexus 7 to post this. Shocker! "Someone uses an iPhone 5 AND a Nexus 7!? BURN HIM!". Being in a position to actively take part and witness forums from both sides, I can honestly say this sort of behaviour is much more rife on the Android side of the fence.

Quite frankly I have never heard so much rubbish, the poster above who claims, through no experience of their own I might add, that iOS users find it "frustrating". Widgets. That's about the only really massive difference and it takes all of five minutes to work them out. Everything else works in a very similar fashion. Aside from all this, the OP declared his love for the operating system just disappointment with the hardware.

So he could have thought more about his last sentence, which probably incited the negativity in the replies the most. Nevertheless he does have a point as someone else later pointed out the obvious advantage of brick and mortar.

Can't we all just, get along?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

with respect... it was the OP who indicted and entire class of devices by saying "But I am going back to a device with great build quality" which we assume is iphone. So are we to assume that there are no devices with great build quality on the android platform? Not that it matters, and I certainly do not support flaming anyone but the OP did throw some red meat to us android lovers.

If anything I am more pissed at Apple for their lost in stock value since I am a shareholder! lol! I should have sold at 700!!! Thanks goodness Google is at 760!
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My Razr Maxx HD is the best built, most reliable device I've ever had. Signal is great. Bluetooth and call quality is reliable. There are other phones out there with some better specs but the way this thing is built, I plan on it being the last phone I'll ever need to own. A 30hr+ battery in a sub 9mm phone is just icing on the cake.

Sent using the amazing RAZR Maxx HD
My Razr Maxx HD is the best built, most reliable device I've ever had. Signal is great. Bluetooth and call quality is reliable. There are other phones out there with some better specs but the way this thing is built, I plan on it being the last phone I'll ever need to own. A 30hr+ battery in a sub 9mm phone is just icing on the cake.

Sent using the amazing RAZR Maxx HD

Had the Atrix and Atrix 2 for a while and agree that they had excellent build quality!