[REVIEW] Eufy RoboVac 11S Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

Adam Matlock

Trusted Member
Jul 24, 2015
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The advent of the automatic technology age has been glorious. Not only have manufacturers made new items that help us save time and money in our day-to-day lives, but now many of these cool devices are being more widely available in the home. Smart assistants, automatic thermostats, and now the much wider adoptability of home appliances like robotic vacuum cleaners. The idea of the robot vacuum cleaner takes me all the way back to the first Honey I Shrunk the Kids movie, and Back to the Future, when you see the characters driving around a lawnmower and a DeLorean with just a remote control. Well now, a little slice of that technological heaven is available for vacuum cleaners as well. Say hello to the Eufy RoboVac 11S.


What is it? The Eufy RoboVac 11S is a marvel of modern technology. Unfortunately it doesn’t cook or clean yet, but it certainly cleans the heck out of your floors without you having to life so much as a finger. You can drive it around in manual mode if you want, – which is quite rewarding – but it also comes complete with scheduling for automatic cleaning, it has four (4) built-in cleaning modes, and you it even returns back to the charging dock by itself when it’s finished! It only comes in one color: black, but it looks super sleek. It’s shiny and deep color and design almost makes me think of some of the drone in Star Wars, that you see rolling around autonomously. I have been using it for the last week and my wife and I are both hooked!


What Comes in the Box:
- Of course, the RoboVac
- An extra high-performance filter
- 4 sets of bristles that attach under the RoboVac and spin while it cleans
- The Remote control (complete with two (s) AAA batteries)
- The instruction manual
- The charging base and cord
- A bristle brush for cleaning the sweeper.


How does it work: The RoboVac 11S is controlled by handy dandy wireless remote, but you can even go hand’s off once you schedule a cleaning time. The primary modes are: spot cleaning, edge cleaning, single-room mode, and auto. Here is a brief description of the modes:

Spot Cleaning: In this mode, the RoboVac starts at whatever point you start it at and goes around in a slow concentric circle, getting wider as it drive around thoroughly cleaning the designated area. This cycle last for two minutes, and then the RoboVac stops.

Edge Cleaning: In this mode, the RoboVac drives until it finds the nearest wall-surface, and then it bumps and moves along the edges for 20 minutes, which is more than enough time to clean the corners and edges of pretty much any sized room. Once it’s done the RoboVac automatically heads back to the charging base to dock.​

Single-Room Mode: This is a combination of angles and edges, as the RoboVac drives around from corner to corner, or in various directions for a period of 30 minutes, which is ample for most sized rooms. Once it’s done the RoboVac automatically heads back to the charging base to dock.

Auto Mode: In Auto Mode, the RoboVac drives around at it’s on whim for 30 minutes, cleaning anything that it comes across.​

Docking Mode: Pressing this button will send the RoboVac back to it's charging base automatically​


Does it work: Yes! It works very well. I was surprised with how much stuff it sucked up off of the tile/wood floor, as well as the carpet. The first few times I used it, the RoboVac sucked up a ton of stuff. I have noticed a significantly less amount of dust, dog hair, etc…, as I’ve continued to use it daily. It’s actually really nice because all I do in the evening is just put it in the kitchen after dinner and hit “single-room mode” and it cleans everything right up – even the bits of dog kibble that get spilled out of my dog’s bowls. Another nice feature that the RoboVac has is the BoostIQ mode. There are three different suction modes on the RoboVac 11s: Normal, BoostIQ, and Max. Of course if you put it on Max mode then it drains the battery faster. I haven’t timed the vacuum to see how long it lasts, but it seems like it can handle 45 minutes without a hiccup. Typically I allow it to vacuum one room and then put it back on the charger, and then start another room later. As far as BoostIQ goes, it’s a built-in smart feature that automatically detects the cleaning surface as it goes, and adjust the suction power as necessary to ensure that it does a great job cleaning. Additionally, the bumper and sensor detection on this thing are great. It won't drive off of edges and destroy itself - I tested it on my counter and it avoided falling off the edge.


Hiccups: I haven’t had too many problems with the vacuum, but occasionally it will find something to get stuck on and cry out for help with it’s built-in PC speaker with a set amount of beeps for problems. Four (4) beeps lets you know that it needs help. I have found that the pedestal fan that I have gives it fits. The base of the fan is kind of like a ramp, so it likes to drive up on it and get stuck. Another area of concern are cords. It’s important to make sure that the room is as free of debris and stray electrical cords as possible because it will find ways to get stuck on these as well. I also have a sliding door closet in my bedroom, and if I leave the door open the RoboVac will get stuck on the floor track. Finally, make sure that you follow the instructions in the manual for placement of the charging dock. It’s best to place it up against a baseboard with a foot or so of clearance on each side so that the RoboVac can find it easily when it needs to dock, otherwise it will get stuck driving around the room like a lost toy.


Conclusion: I absolutely love it. I always wanted to get a Roomba, but the prices were so high and their capabilities in the past just weren’t what I was looking for in a vacuum cleaner. I have a fairly large house with kids and dogs, which means lots of dog hair and toys floating around. However, after using the RoboVac for a week, I have found that just picking up a couple of things off of the floor and learning how the little guy operates really makes a difference in it’s efficiency, and eliminating the little hurdles and obstacles that can cause it to get stuck. The great thing about the RoboVac is that it’s well priced, and more than competitive. The 11S model is priced at $229 right now on Amazon, which is a real steal compared to the competition. It’s sleek and low-profile which allows it to go under beds, couches, coffee tables, etc…, which makes it a huge help when you want to get to these hard to reach and inconvenient areas. I give the RoboVac 11S a solid recommend and two thumbs up!

Interested in picking up one of the E RoboVac 11S robotic vacuum cleaners? You can find them on Amazon for the low price of $229.99, and they also qualify for Amazon Prime 2-day shipping, if you’re a Prime member. They are listed on Eufy’s website, but they direct link straight to Amazon for purchase: https://forums.androidcentral.com/e...s/variant/robovac-11s/T2108111&token=QnUQUa04 - As always, if you have any questions or comments, please leave them down in the comment section.

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