[ROM+Kernel] MiRaGe-CM7.2-IHO (07132013)

Hey everybody, does anybody know how to access the system menu to program the MSL, MSID, and PRL with this ROM? I just activated the phone on the free Ring Plus plan, and need to program it.
For those of you that are unfamiliar, they have a promotion going. Check it out at ringplus.net.
I'm working on a project to convert some of my old Vs into cameras for very little kids.

The Vs are stock/unrooted Virgin Mobile phones. "About" gives me:
- Model VM670
- Android Version 2.2.1
- Kernel Version
- Build Number: FRG83
- SW Version: VM6702V4
- HW Version: 1.2

I've rooted one of the phones via Gingerbreak. I can't seem to install this ROM though. I get the error:
E: failed to open /sdcard/update.zip (No such file or directory)
E: signature verification failed
Installation aborted

I've tried to change the name of the ROM to update.zip but no luck. Any suggestions or pointers?

I've rooted phones before, but this is the first time I've worked with phones this old.

Edit: Fixed using Terminal Emulator! I can't post links yet (less than 10 posts so far). In this forum, search for "[HOW-TO] Simplified Root + Recovery + Custom ROM" and post #253 in particular.
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Just installed this great ROM. Is there a way to limit or turn off access to Settings (password lock?) and all other features but Camera and Gallery (these two are on the Home Screen). I don't want the kids getting to the Settings, background settings, etc.
If all you want is camera and gallery you can delete nearly every other apk except those two and launcher.
Since you're not using any radios or functionality, that may work.
Can't get more specific without opening up the rom to look and check for force closes after cleaning out the unneeded apps
If all you want is camera and gallery you can delete nearly every other apk except those two and launcher.
Since you're not using any radios or functionality, that may work.
Can't get more specific without opening up the rom to look and check for force closes after cleaning out the unneeded apps

I wouldn't delete the phone apps for any reason. IIRC, I tried this once with this rom and ended up soft bricking my V. Had to get to Mandylion recovery, wipe everything in internal memory, and reinstall the ROM, Gapps, and the apps I use via Titanium.
I wouldn't delete the phone apps for any reason. IIRC, I tried this once with this rom and ended up soft bricking my V. Had to get to Mandylion recovery, wipe everything in internal memory, and reinstall the ROM, Gapps, and the apps I use via Titanium.
well, now I'm going to have to try it and see. I can imagine borking an install that way, but unless something in framework is having a hissy about missing apps I'd expect it to mostly work at least.
I'll give it a whirl today and report back.
From my experience, removing dialer or messaging will soft brick most devices. Freezing an application in Titanium Backup or Link2SD is slightly safer.
Create a backup in recovery first, then go crazy.
so i was able to remove most every thing but settings, settings storage, and a couple other things, without bootloop or fc's.
no issues removing dialer, messaging, etc.
backups always a good idea.
I'll post a complete list of what to leave in /system/app later on.
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Re: [ROM+Kernel] MiRaGe-CM7.2-IHO

I just flashed this onto my LS-670 with the ZVJ radio. I am sorry if this has already been posted, but I couldnt find the answer to upgrading the radio from ZVD to ZVJ. So I attempted this and it worked:

Wipe boot, system, cache, etc.
Flash Mirage zip
Flash GApps
Boot and reboot;
Flash LS670 conversion
Boot and reboot again;
Flash ZVD to ZVJ patch

Link to radio patch here:
Link text was missing from original post.

Again, I am sorry if this has been posting already.
Howdy, all. It's been a while since I've browsed AndroidCentral. I still have my ancient LG Optimus S (LS670ZVJ). It seems like this and bigsupersquid's CM11 ROM are the remaining go-tos.
Question 1: Is that right?

I've been running DanteRom.v5 for ages which is Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread), and I've fixed my internal storage limitation problems (Google Play Services, ugh) with Link2SD and a partitioned microSD card. To me, it seems like this MiRaGe will be the easiest to migrate to, mainly because I'm already dependent on Link2SD.
Question 2: Right?

The primary reason I'm looking to upgrade is I'm starting to have issues with apps not being available in the app store on my device, and I'm presuming it's because my Android version is outdated.
Question 3: Will this even fix my problem, since this is still Gingerbread?

Question 4: If so, are the steps listed above in grnkp's post accurate, if I add in mrg666's Link2SD steps?

Final Question (for now): I've got Xionia CWMA c1.2518.6 recovery doo-dad. Is the backup and recovery through that menu all I need to come back to where I am if everything goes sideways with the upgrade? (There's a nandroid.md5 in the backup folder, but I've fortunately never had to make use of a nandroid backup.)

Hopefully I'm not violating the board etiquette with these questions!
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Re: [ROM+Kernel] MiRaGe-CM7.2-IHO

think that recovery should work OK for mirage. not kitkat though.
mirage is really stable. kitkat less so.
kitkat doesn't need or want link2sd, all of /data is already on sd.
more apps on play for kitkat. gapps glitch pretty badly though unless you use older ones and break their update capability. (armv7 code incompatible)
since there's a little interest lately i may attempt to update cm11 again.
but use mirage if you need stability.
Re: [ROM+Kernel] MiRaGe-CM7.2-IHO

Thanks, man! I know this is an ancient build for an ancient phone.
As you can probably tell, I eventually tried to the Internal build of BigSuperROM without success (though I may try your SetupWizard suggestion).
I'm curious about your link2sd comment for KitKat - I thought the Toucanscrypt instructions for the internal build of BigSuperROM included Link2sd as an integral step (though you mentioned in the other thread that you had more success with the OS2SD build anyway).

I switched to Mirage, and it's working alright with a few caveats:
- Android Market is browsable but doesn't want to download anything and, once upgraded, Play Store hangs at a white screen on start so I'm having trouble getting any apps.
- It's missing a couple of nice features in the statusbar that I had before. (More controls including an actual brightness slider.)
- Things seem slower in general compared to DanteRom from starting apps to placing calls

So far it seems like DanteROM v5 was my best bet and I'll probably move back. If I can get a working KitKat\CM11 build then that might change my mind, but, y'know...can't get blood from a turnip. I remember back in the mid-90s my friend asked me if he could run DooM on his Commodore, "even if it might be a little slow." I feel a bit like that.
Re: [ROM+Kernel] MiRaGe-CM7.2-IHO

microg on xda might work with blankstore (all FOSS) downloads free apps from play, basic play services (but not all)
i like it on newer devices. haven't tried to make it work on mirage or bigsuperrom.
there is a gingerbread experimental xposed version that does work, but i dunno if the needed signature spoofing xposed module is built for gingerbread. or maybe it's not needed for that old of an Android version. i forget.
I'm back to DanteRom for the time being. So far, there's only one feature I'd noticed in Mirage that I'm missing: My 2013 Chevy Equinox asked my phone to share the phonebook when I was on Mirage, but it won't ask when I'm on DanteRom, so I'm stuck narrating phone numbers. I'm not sure if it's an Android version issue or if it has something to do with the version of CyanogenMod or gapps installed with Mirage.

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