hey guys,
i'm looking for a Sense based ROM with (functioning) Portrait mode in GoogleTalk Video Chat.
BAMF Forever (1.0.7) & TouchMyBAMF (1.0.4) (=my two favorites) both only output in landscape mode
CM7 worked just fine (output in Portrait mode) but i missed some key Sense features.
anyone able to run a SenseROM with portrait or know of a flashable fix? asked in multiple forums (bamf.net too, but no one ever addresses that issue)
i'm looking for a Sense based ROM with (functioning) Portrait mode in GoogleTalk Video Chat.
BAMF Forever (1.0.7) & TouchMyBAMF (1.0.4) (=my two favorites) both only output in landscape mode
CM7 worked just fine (output in Portrait mode) but i missed some key Sense features.
anyone able to run a SenseROM with portrait or know of a flashable fix? asked in multiple forums (bamf.net too, but no one ever addresses that issue)