S6 to Moto X Play?


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Sep 19, 2014
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I do love my S6, it's got some minor flaws but nothing bad enough to hate it. However, I've always wanted a Moto X device. Coming from Windows phone I wanted a Moto x but at the time in Canada hard to find so I went with a Nexus 5. Ended upgrading to the S6 at launch and thoroughly enjoy it except for:

- battery could be better but enough to get me through the day. Would prefer a two day battery.

- originally I loved the design but it's delicate and keep in a thin case. I don't get to enjoy without a case also because it's way too thin. Glass back once I praised now I consider sort of pointless since I don't see it and its all finger prints.

- no ambient display, built into base OS. Voice activation with Samsung's voice app while off is bad and doesn't compare to Google.

- not a fan of Touchwiz. It's not horrible but I use Nova.

Scared to lose:
- love the capacitive buttons and home button for finger print unlock.
- amoled display
- camera

How is the camera at this point after all the updates?

Do you have marshmallow and if so how's the 3600mah battery holding up?

Does ambient display work well, is the display visible and bright? I remember reading some there nexus 6p ambient isn't very good not sure if related to hardware.

How's the display? I love my black blacks, is the color rich?

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Jul 24, 2012
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I haven't used the s6 but I have come to the moto play from always previously using flagship phones. My advice would be to be careful and think carefully about the switch.

I had read about how good mid range handsets can be nowadays and I do like the fact that I don't feel I have to baby it quite so much as its not ridiculously expensive piece of kit. But whilst I do enjoy the phone, over time the performance and build has ultimately disappointed me and I wouldn't be surprised if I find myself with a flagship phone again sometime soon.

There is no doubt that for the money, the battery, camera, screen, form factor are all excellent but you have to remember that it is for the money and it doesn't in my opinion compare to the higher end devices

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Sep 19, 2014
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Thanks for the advice on performance feedback that is highly a factor I was hoping someone would mention. I'm not comparing them directly, just trying to see if the moto features would bring me over as I can do without a lot of what S6 offers me. Ambient lighting and moto voice (everyone claims is excellent) are key features, Samsung voice is really bad and I want google interactions.

I am most concerned about the screen, amoled is just outstanding (plasma TV fan) and Im a little hesitant as play may not compare. Coming from a previous flagship how is it? Said my first flagship new phone in around 4 years so mid range is cool with me. But as you said, performance is a big concern for me. I will try to read more discussions on this board and see.

Does yours have marshmallow?

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Jun 18, 2011
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I have it...as a back-up.

You get what you pay for. I don't mean it in a negative way.

If you don't care that for the Premium Build, this is an impressive device.


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Sep 19, 2014
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Thanks for the feedback. I honestly have zero interest in the premium design of the device, I held it at a local carrier store and it's the same size as my S6 with the case on. I would love it as a backup device to test and make sure I could live with it...but I can't justify buying another phone (also have a G3 for work which is meh). Moto X is pulling me in because of the ambient display, Moto voice with Google, battery and SD card slot. Maybe I'll just wait to see what moto releases this year.

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Mar 22, 2015
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Look for moto x pure edition. Its a much better device than moto x play except battery backup...
All of the moto features available in the pure edition and not play.

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Sep 19, 2014
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Look for moto x pure edition. Its a much better device than moto x play except battery backup...
All of the moto features available in the pure edition and not play.

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My main concern with Pure is the size is massive (xplay is already bigger than I'd like ) and the price in Canada is going for $600+ even on kijiji... While xplay you can get for under $300.

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My play has gone in for repair so currently using a nexus 5 again. Whilst it is more fluid and slightly faster in use, I do miss the play. The battery life, screen size and moto display are the main things missing and I can't wait to get it back!

That said, I am considering a change to a flagship phone again depending on what the next releases are like. The moto is my first midrange rather than top tier phone and I miss the better build quality and faster more fluid operation that comes with paying more. The play is a great phone but it is a great phone for the price and you can defineitly get better by spending more.

One good thing about it being cheaper and more plasticy, I don't worry so much about it getting scratched etc and use it comfortably without a case. I hate phone cases so that's a plus point for me!

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Feb 11, 2016
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I was going to go pick up another flagship phone but when I went to pick up the one I wanted (the new note) it was out of stock. I was directed towards the Play, I was unsure, I liked the price but my biggest concern is I wanted a high range powerful phone, but tired of my smashed up phone I picked this up instead, after all I could exchange it if I didn't like it. At first using it I was unsure, wasn't used to the layout, but was incredibly impressed by the camera, picture, and audio quality. I have to say after a few minor personalisation tweaks, changing some accessibility and developer settings, this runs like a flagship phone, admittedly it is slightly slower but to be honest half a second slower performing a few tasks is worth saving $400-$500. I absaloutely love this phone.

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Sep 19, 2014
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Writing on my unlocked Moto X play. Still got my S6, very curious to see the differences. So far I'm still installing my apps but wow..yes completely different experience but I wouldn't say its a lot of negatives. Only negative so far for me is the camera, I must have shaky hands because focused shots aren't easy lol. By no means am I a good shooter, but iPhone and Samsung still manages to produce a sharper shot. So much more fluid than S6 on Nova, reduced scales...it just feels good, build and touch sensitivity. I'll keep testing so far I'm really happy.

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Two questions:

Is there a way to extend the length for ambient display? I would like it a bit longer on screen.

During ambient display with music, why can't I skip a track? I only see thumbs up, restart, pause... Lockscreen regular android has controls as usual. I'm using Google play if that matters.

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I don't think you can change moto display timeout.

And Google play music used to do what you want until they updated the widget. I think moto display just shows the first 3 options on the notification and with the new notification we now get the totally pointless thumbs up displayed instead of something useful. Hope for an update I guess

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I don't think you can change moto display timeout.

And Google play music used to do what you want until they updated the widget. I think moto display just shows the first 3 options on the notification and with the new notification we now get the totally pointless thumbs up displayed instead of something useful. Hope for an update I guess

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Appreciate this feedback, I'll try out another player and see if that problem doesn't exist then but it's crap cause I have a lot of bought music on google play that I'll need to download from Web and transfer retort than just using the app.

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If you press the sleep/wake button then you get to see the normal lockean widget and can control tracks like normal on there. The way moto display works is annoying but not a deal breaker for me

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If you press the sleep/wake button then you get to see the normal lockean widget and can control tracks like normal on there. The way moto display works is annoying but not a deal breaker for me

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Agreed, it's not that big of a deal. I downloaded the music anyway and put on an SD card with my other music.

Is there a way to activate ambient display without picking it up? I noticed the only time it comes on is when I pick it up from a table or out of my pocket. I wave my hand around front facing camera senor but nothing.

I think this device is fantastic, very pleased with it so far. I originally thought it might be too big but it's perfect. I have a much easier time typing that's for sure, the extra real estate is great.

No clear all option (yes I know this isn't stock, but damn it works well and I'm not sure why stock still doesn't have it.

No finger print unlock, luxury sure but missed.

Camera. At a wedding yesterday the dark lighting was difficult... S6 didn't always work darker areas but a little sharper. Natural light areas produce very good pics.

That's it really. Screen is very good, especially compared to G3.
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Sep 19, 2014
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I'm on 6.0 and noticed Doze is either not activating or something is up. Below is a screenahot of my phone overnight, no movement and it lost 8%...

All apps are optimized. Cell standby has 0 drops. Am I supposed to do something to activate Doze? It seems everything is set up...

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  • 7460.jpg
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2nd pic, screen on time was from me writing and investigating this.

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On the play there are no sensors to detect hand waving to show moto display. But it will detect a very small nudge, you don't have to fully pick it up. I just nudge the corner of it when it's lying on my desk and the display shows up.

On the battery screen hit the menu top right and you can check what apps are optimised for doze. I think it is on by default but note it uses the accelerometers to detect when it's not moving so you have to leave it on a desk for example and leave it well alone for doze to kick in. If you carry it around in your pocket then it won't activate.

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Javier P

Feb 21, 2014
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I agree with Aldo. Doze doesn't kick in immediately but after a period of inactivity (I don't remember exactly right now, but it's around 20-30 minutes). Also, your stats show a weak cell signal, tap on "cell standby" to see more details.


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Sep 19, 2014
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Hey guys, thanks for the feedback. The screenshots above are from my sleep, meaning i went to bed at midnight and woke up at 6:55am so there was zero movement...this is why i assumed Doze should've kicked in but it didnt (doesnt seems so anyway). I did have location (battery saving) and bluetooth on (for my fitbit), i would've assumed Doze would have kicked in and optimized those functions but it shows Bluetooth was used (very little)...is it possible my fitbit app kept waking up the phone?? I wouldnt expect that, didnt have that on my S6.

All the apps are optimized, as by default...i checked this. By the time i got to work this morning (8:30am) my phone was at 83% (this is bad)...i disabled location when i got here and an hour later the battery is still at 83%. are you guys aware of location services eating battery on Marshmellow? Google location history is off.