S7 Edge SM-G935U August Security Update


Mar 5, 2015
Not sure if anyone has received this yet but mine came last night. My first android security update since the May update this phone shipped with.
I am on the unlocked SM-G935U on the AT&T network. Patch level August 1, 2016 and rolled in around 147mb
That's strange. Every month there is a patch that comes out. This month patch was of around 151 MB for India users. If u hadn't received any of the previous month patches then the update package size would be much much higher.
The 935U USA uulocked only came out a couple of months ago and shipped with the May update. I have not seen any updates since and check frequently.
I received my update this morning. 164.13 MB, August 1 security patch level and running build MMB29M and G935UUEU2APG9 baseband

Are we the first S7Edges in the US on the August patch level?
Did you get the new cloud and gallery features with your update?

Posted from my pink gold S7 edge
I have really not noticed any real difference with this update. There is now a Google menu but that's all I have seen so far
My update just came through this morning. Will check if it has said new features.

Edit: yes the cloud and gallery features are there.
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