Samsung Cloud

Feb 27, 2016
I have and use rarely one drive and Google drive. Do I need Samsung cloud. If not, how to remove. IT came today with an update
I have and use rarely one drive and Google drive. Do I need Samsung cloud. If not, how to remove. IT came today with an update

I let my phones "Backup" system use Samsung Cloud and I'll tell you what, it's the best backup/restore I've seen yet. When my S7 Active just updated to Nougat, I tried using SmartSwitch to get all my Apps and settings back - what a mess. I finally remembered I had just done a backup 2 days earlier to the Samsung Cloud so I went into Settings and did a "Restore" from Samsung Cloud and even with Nougat, all my Apps, Desktop Layout, everything that could work with Nougat was back to normal! I love it and will continue to use it as my backup destination! Opinion of course!