samsung galaxy 3

karen hackford

New member
Feb 26, 2014
can any one help i have tried so many things. i have home videos on my phone but when i transfer them to pc videos wont play they look just like a picture
can any one help i have tried so many things. i have home videos on my phone but when i transfer them to pc videos wont play they look just like a picture
How are you transferring them? Right click on them and click on properties and see what extension they have. If its JPG it is a pic and won't play. If its a movie extension it will have a .vid extension, and should play.

Right click on the file and try "Open with" and see what's available to open it.

When you upload to your PC are you sure your looking at where the videos are sent by default? The pics and vids default directories are different. Check to see if they went to the Video folder. Or better yet browse them to a folder of your choice when the pic/vid transfer wizard opens in windows.