Samsung Galaxy Note 2 - Moving Apps to External MicroSD Card


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Jun 26, 2013
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You can still move apps to SD on smartphones. It is with tablets that it isn?t possible outside of rooting a device.

I appreciate folks who like keeping their aps to a minimum, but constantly badgering people with their lifestyle smacks of being a troll. As does ignoring people?s base request for help and answers by saying their lifestyle is the solution. Likewise with arguing about stating what their lifestyle is and restating it again when people politely suggest they don?t care or would rather have serious answers to their questions.

It appears you can move apps to the SD card after carefully rooting and adjusting your device. What I cannot gather is when another OS update comes, if that will brick the device or harm the apps. My gut would say it isn?t a good thing in any case.

There will have to be a solution to this and I?m sure if there isn?t an app already able to work around the issue, there will be.

My 7 inch Galaxy Tab 2 had about 12 apps, but my kids can?t load most of their games because of the pathetic storage policies. I?ve used SD storage since my 2006 Starcom 6400 and never had issues like this. It seems utterly disingenuous to say we really face performance issues. I use my devices like Swiss Army knives. This isn?t about being frugal with app use and data storage. It is about having devices that fit into and contribute to my own lifestyle. Data costs money. WiFi isn?t always around. The ?Cloud? still sucks compared to where it needs to be. I want and need to have these apps ready and waiting when I have use for them, otherwise they are useless and so are the devices they work on.

That doesn?t invalidate anybody else?s use of their storage space. It is a matter of choice. They have a choice, I do not. The means to give me choice was long proven and already part of my own lifestyle. Google took that away.

There are fanbois that cling to Windows 8 Metro, Xbox One DRM, and lets not even start on the Apple nut jobs. They cling to these things like some cling to limited storage being ?a virtue? not an unneeded hindrance. They do this to feel empowered by clinging to something bigger than themselves and deriving their self-righteousness from espousing what they think are unassailbible opinions.


Apr 13, 2011
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Not bad for a 1st post. ;)
I found this thread because I wanted to install a game and was told I didn't have enough memory - then I discover the draconian policy of not allowing apps to be moved to the read SDCard (not the emulated one). I find myself frequently outside a coverage area that provides 4G - lemme tell ya, it sucks rocks to go back to 3G and worse for data. Especially with a mapping app. So I now have a map app that contains all the maps I will need - using up memory. Then most apps do not provide the option to let you change storage location - even ClockworkMod stores its backups on the "SDcard" ne' main memory. So yeah - to the folks that think we should lead simpler lives - perhaps you should take it one step further by getting rid of your phone & computer and going off grid. That would prolly make everyone happy.


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Nov 9, 2010
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Either root or wait for the update which will be here very soon



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Sep 20, 2011
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Those of us who have been on the AC forums for awhile know that not all sd cards are created equal, but we represent less than .01% of android users. Slow SD cards can create negative experiences, which to a non techy type person might think the phone is slow because it takes FOREVER to load an app. Googles response is to remove the ability to install to SD, thus minimizing negative experiences on things they can control. You know what? Its working.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 8.0 using Tapatalk

Leave it out with that Cloud, as you talk about slow SD cards (was available at the beginning of the MicroSD, now is not any more the idea) and about persons who might think the phone is slow because of the SD card (that persons should know they inserted the SD Card in their phone, isn't it?) HAVE YOU EVER EXPERIENCED a few Kb download speed from an Internet provider who promised 10Mb. You dream in Clouds that many people have 4G / LTE to get 2-300 Gb in seconds.
This is the main idea I had to give up my iPhone 5 for a Galaxy, and not for a Google Nexus 7.2 - becouse of no SD card extension, and you delusion also with the idea that poor people (that 99% who have no many for a 500Gb hard disk) would have in exchange money for mobile solutions, non-WiFi for the Clouds.
What type of cloud are you talking about, never mind.


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Nov 5, 2013
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Don't know if anyone tried this... NO ROOT REQUIRED.. Just install the latest leak xxxxMJ5 firmware... It allows to move apps to sdcard. Been using it for a week and although some expected features are not there yet.. The rom works great.
Hope this helped.


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Dec 29, 2013
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Is it possible to move apps to external micro sd card on Samsung Galaxy Note 2. Also, can new downloaded apps be defaulted to be installed on external micro sd card.

Would like to know the process for both of them.

Thanks in advance.

YES!!! Last night I connected mine to my laptop, installed and opened KiesAir. It alerted me that there was a FIRMWARE UPDATE. I installed it and a Google Play Store app called "AppMgr III". Voila! It works!

They must have heard our cries! No "rooting" or other scary tech geek remedies needed!


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Jan 17, 2014
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Or it CAN be viewed as people need self control. You don't need 8gb of music or movies on a phone. You don't need 11gb of apps. It's a portable alternative, yes, however, it isn't meant to be a be all end all device.

~swyped from a galaxy (note 2) far far away

Who are you to determine who "needs" what? This isn't a philosophical debate as to the necessity of smart phones and they're features, and you are not the authority on it.
I came here to hear ideas on how to keep my music and apps on the same card, not listen to your bitter opinions on whether or not I actually "need" to be able to do that. Tool.


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Apr 6, 2013
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Link2SD is the anwer. You MUST be rooted. You also need to partition your SD card. Then, just pop it in and run Link2SD and set it up. Then you can link most of your apps to the 2nd partition and free up space on internal memory. I say most because encrypted app can't be moved by this app. Also, using this method doesn't break the widgets. Simple process, however, it seems that L2SD may cause a boot issue. (I am running into this issue currently)


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Oct 17, 2015
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Oh boy I wish I would have bothered to look up this subject before I ruined two 32GB micro SD drives moving programs over not realizing this rooting thing had to happen, and so I would say that is why they failed! Why do they put a slot in without having at least a huge warning in the menu for mounting SD cards. Samsung should be ashamed of themselves for not having this happen automatically when you put in an SD card. Is there anyway known to recover the use of the these cards?

From what I have read the only thing that you can put on the SD card without rooting it is data and picture files?


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Mar 9, 2011
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Foldermount has worked perfectly for me with my Verizon (rooted and unlocked bootloader) Note2 ..
and with my 128Gb level 10 microSD ive gained a Gb of internal space.. I did nOT move items that are close to 'real-time dependent' such as Maps and GPS routing stuff .. I want them to remain in the livelier internal ram. Medscape give a huge advantage (once i found that it had loaded 9000 lil files .. NINE THOUSAND!! yes into INTERNAL ram ... !!! Needless to say I'm delighted that Medscape's data is now on my 128 SD (BTW, still using stock 4.1 JB too). Although i should be able to install a newer rom , I'm a devotee' of the 'KISS' principle ..
Thanks for all your comments here, people! much appreciated .. and gave new life to my Note 2
(No, tho i dream of the Note 4 , ill NEVER buy another Verizon product unless they unlock boot-loaders!!! The difficulties I had with the boot-loader thing were immense ... )

Chandan maharjan

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May 30, 2016
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I totally agree with all u r have posted......and ur right all of our privacy is gone.....the apps are toys to keep us brain dead and getting out of our little boxes and become the social animals we are meant to be.........and people wonder why nearly all Americans are taking some form of mental drugs to get through the day....because we r depressed or feeling lonely.....or just plain unhappy people.....everyone should spend a month ot two in another country not so consumer orientated, to see just how srewed up America really is....m
Go get a life and leave the grown up techy tools at!!!!!

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