Android Central Question
Hi, does anybody face the same problem or have solution for it ?
I rooted my Samsung galaxy S4 (jfltexx) and installed Lineage OS 17.1 on it. But all the options like instaling addonsu or using magist do not work. Addonsu shows error 7. Magist installs well when in TWRP, but booting back to Lineage OS doesnt fininsh never.
I would very appriciate when somebody got a sulution.
Thank you
I rooted my Samsung galaxy S4 (jfltexx) and installed Lineage OS 17.1 on it. But all the options like instaling addonsu or using magist do not work. Addonsu shows error 7. Magist installs well when in TWRP, but booting back to Lineage OS doesnt fininsh never.
I would very appriciate when somebody got a sulution.
Thank you