Samsung Galaxy S6 Way to go Samsung!


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Nov 11, 2014
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Re: Way to go Samsung!

Mind telling me the lottery numbers too ? You really don't get it people buy Samsung phones because they have some preferences and expectations ...but I'm glad Samsung might bring back the - like one XDA member put it - "design" over functions crowd thought they've already gone to all the "premium" toys ...must be fun paying over 700 $ and not being able to fix a bad battery or add storage yup keep it simple lol.

One thing is for sure, this SD and battery issue is really polarizing the Samsung buyer base. It'll be interesting to see how this shakes out in real world use. The heavy users for power won't buy this phone, maybe this is just what the G4 needs to propel the sales upward. I for one am looking forward to their offering.
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Mar 1, 2011
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Re: Way to go Samsung!

I am still rocking the S4 I bought at launch. I have the same battery but the phone was replaced under warranty. Look on the bright side, if you get the phone replaced under warranty you get a new battery now. I guess it could work for or against you.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk


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Nov 16, 2010
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Re: Way to go Samsung!

I can say that because Samsung itself decided to scratch tthat thing, meaning their will not be the Alpha 2 or whatever they would have named it. Yeah it had a premium build but it seriously lacked in other features (micro SD card, CPU and resolution only 720p for a premium phone seriously?).

I don't know what it is with Samsung but they really should take a look back and think about what made them great and then put it all together instead of creating such a user unfriendly phone.

So you're for sure they scrapped the "Alpha 2"?

Is that why we're seeing the Note 4 and S6 inherit some of the design choices?

If HTC vs. Samsung at MWC was a competition, Samsung clearly won.

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Mar 3, 2015
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Re: Way to go Samsung!

I would have to say that taking away the ability to remove the battery is the biggest disappointment for me. I came from some of the Motorola Droids where the built in batteries lasted a year, year and half maximum. It was one of the most irritating things and of course Motorola's stance was the battery met life expectancy. Now fast forward to Galaxy. I personally have a spare battery for my S4 at all times because it dies so quickly due to how it is used. When I am at work, there are times where I cannot carry a wall receptacle with me 24/7 to keep this phone charged. Sure I could carry a battery bank, but then what happens when the battery fails. We are back to Droids, HTC, etc with built in batteries.

MicroSD is difficult to understand because there are people out there, like myself who have 64gb cards in the phone and they are full. A 32gb phone with no slot likely wouldn't cut it.


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Jun 3, 2013
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Re: Way to go Samsung! (in a bad way)

Guess I am in the minority, but I won't buy a phone that does not meet my needs/wants. There are plenty of other phones to choose from. I like my S4 but I am not married to Samsung products. Maybe get a S5, but most likely I will go somewhere else to be served. It's all in what you want. Opinions are only opinions. I like replaceable batteries and SD cards. :)


Feb 28, 2015
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Re: Way to go Samsung!

Well, whether you like a slot cover or don't really care, it's about freedom. The "just in case" factor. What if. Does it hurt to have a removable cover. Just follow the money. Samsung or Motorola doesn't want you to be able to replace your micro-sd cause they charge for the size of the memory in the phone. No more buying (or getting stuck) with a 16 gig phone only to go to amazon & buy 64 gigs & snap it in. Here comes that pesky word "freedom" again. Same holds true for buying a longer lasting battery. Those usually aren't OEM! Last but not least, it's easier (cheaper) to design a phone without worrying where the covers have to be or what type of material they use to make the phone.


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Apr 22, 2014
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User unfriendly phone for YOU. This thing will be a smash hit. Plenty of phones sell without SD cards or replaceable batteries. Personally this is the first Sammy phone I'd consider since the GS3, it's that good.

Most people don't have battery or storage issues, just the fringe heavy users.

I'm not a heavy user but I do have two batteries for my S5 - mainly due to the fact that I broke the battery cover off after 8 days of having it and like to swap the batteries around from time to time. I have learnt how to be very gentle with the cover now so don't swap the battery every time it goes flat.

Since Lollipop came along my batteries last just about one day with moderate use. A lot less with some time spent Web browsing or looking at this forum.

I am not a heavy user. I just like to use my phone for what it is designed for. I like to have certain apps tell me certain things at my choosing. I do not see the point in having all this technology available and not using it because it drains the battery. If I wanted a phone to be just a phone then I'd spend £15 on a Nokia 113.

Also, I have a 128gb SD card which I have music and movies on. The cloud does not work very well on trains when I have no data connection so having expandable storage is a must for me.

So now the S6 has no SD card and no removable battery. It's a no go for me. Just been to have a look at the Note4 and that is the phone I'll be getting in June when my contract is up.

Samsung seem to be pandering to the Apple crowd and the Apple obsessed technology press whilst pissing off their loyal customers. If they carry on in this vain the Note4 will be my last Samsung Phone.

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May 17, 2013
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Re: Way to go Samsung!

I hope it flops would be very well deserved. Instead of listening to the "I don't care my handy is like fashion crowd" Samsung should have listened to their existing customer base.

Ooh well hopefully the same thing doesn't happen to the Note line-up.

Flop? It was the best phone announced this week. If it flops android is doomed in the high end market. The M9 won't make a splash.


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May 17, 2013
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Re: Way to go Samsung!

One thing is for sure, this SD and battery issue is really polarizing the Samsung buyer base. It'll be interesting to see how this shakes out in real world use. The heavy users for power won't buy this phone, maybe this is just what the G4 needs to propel the sales upward. I for one am looking forward to their offering.

I like removable batteries and as card but will buy this phone. The battery is a non issue as one can get a battery pack. The sd card is the issue.


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May 29, 2010
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Re: Way to go Samsung!

If Note 5 turns out to be like s6, note 3/4 will be the last samsung smartphone I own.

Bingo! This could be the beginning of the end for me with Samsung. If I wanted an IPhone I would have bought one.

The lack of changeable batteries is why I dropped HTC.

Sent from my Note 3 Using Tapatalk


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Sep 27, 2011
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Re: Way to go Samsung!

I'm pretty positive I'll be getting the S6. Since I don't come from Samsung world, I'm not upset about the non-removable battery or SD card. I can see how if you have been a long time user though, it would upset you as it is something you have grown to love. I'm coming from the Nexus world and haven't had those features for a long time so I have built my routine around not using those things. Between OneDrive, Dropbox, and Google Music, I don't store a ton on my phone, but that said, I feel 64 GB is what I'll need and want. On the battery side of things, my Nexus 5 battery life is terrible since Lollipop and was never great before so I usually have a battery pack around and that to me isn't much more difficult than carrying a spare battery. It probably isn't as convenient, but it is something that is already part of my routine and that battery pack has more uses since I can use it for my phone, my wife's iPhone, or her iPad.

On my list of priorities, the HTC M9 and the S6 are the only devices I'm really interested in and that is mainly driven by the size of them. I passed on the Nexus 6 due to its size and the LG G4 will be at least as big as the G3 which was too big for me also. The Sony Z4 could be a great device, but it is too far out at this time for me to be willing to wait for it. Unless the S6 gets destroyed in the hands-on review, I'll be coming over to the Samsung world for a bit.

Aziel Oropeza

Well-known member
Oct 3, 2014
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Re: Way to go Samsung!

I'm just gonna buy a S5, root it, install Cyanogenmod mod, and keep it that way until Samsung goes back to their old ways

Sent from my Rooted, Debloated GS3 using Tapatalk 2

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