Samsung has Removed the Ability to Remap the Bixby Button on the Galaxy S8/S8+

VW Maverick

Retired Ambassador
Dec 3, 2010
Getting info from XDA that a software update has closed that loophole.
Stand by for confirmation.

Mav. :cool:
"Flar2 was in the process of updating his Button Mapper application to support remapping the Bixby button soon after he received his Samsung Galaxy S8 from Telus in Canada. He was able to get the application working initially, but after he downloaded the latest system update from Samsung (build version NRD90M.G950WVLU1AQD9), he discovered that his application was no longer working. It turns out that Samsung has modified the system to consume the Bixby button’s key events before it reaches the Accessibility Services, effectively making it impossible to remap the Bixby button as of now (at least without root access)."
Because they are forcing you to use Bixby as often as possible. Even if you accidentally hit the button or swipe any of the tiniest data it can get like location at time they can use and sell and make more money from you and count it as a click and say more people access it over Google.

Why on Earth would they do that!?
Another reason I'm waiting for Note 8. After the outcry they'll probably change it back by the time Note 8 comes out.
Another reason I'm waiting for Note 8. After the outcry they'll probably change it back by the time Note 8 comes out.

I kind of doubt that. If the Note 8 has a Bixby button, I fully expect it to be locked to Bixby.
I kind of doubt that. If the Note 8 has a Bixby button, I fully expect it to be locked to Bixby.

Personally if it were locked to Bixby, I don't know how long it would last. There are a lot of talented coders out there.
Another reason I'm waiting for Note 8. After the outcry they'll probably change it back by the time Note 8 comes out.

I doubt there would be an "outcry" that matters over this. Small number of people on tech forums are really meaningless in the grand scheme of Galaxy Phone development.
I actually think that this is a smart decision. It gives Bixby a fighting chance and affords choice to the consumer. If you do not like Bixby go with a non-Samsung device or map the assistant somewhere else. It does feel Apple-esque but this approach has been shown to work well. Galaxy brand is much like Apple. Those that buy it don't perceive it as buying Android. They perceive it as buying Galaxy.
I actually think that this is a smart decision. It gives Bixby a fighting chance and affords choice to the consumer. If you do not like Bixby go with a non-Samsung device or map the assistant somewhere else. It does feel Apple-esque but this approach has been shown to work well. Galaxy brand is much like Apple. Those that buy it don't perceive it as buying Android. They perceive it as buying Galaxy.

The assistant is already mapped to holding the home button down.
What's the difference between Bixby and assistant? It's just another thing I probably won't use. It would be nice to be able to remap it but it's not a big deal to me.
Personally if it were locked to Bixby, I don't know how long it would last. There are a lot of talented coders out there.

...I'm only speaking of non-root BTW.
As someone who doesn't want to root his phone, but would prefer to be able to map the button to something I'm actually going to use, this sucks. :(
Another reason I'm waiting for Note 8. After the outcry they'll probably change it back by the time Note 8 comes out.

You mean like the outcry when the Note 7 had a curved screen? How did that outcry work?
I actually think that this is a smart decision. It gives Bixby a fighting chance and affords choice to the consumer. If you do not like Bixby go with a non-Samsung device or map the assistant somewhere else. It does feel Apple-esque but this approach has been shown to work well. Galaxy brand is much like Apple. Those that buy it don't perceive it as buying Android. They perceive it as buying Galaxy.

Interesting quote about not buying android but buying Samsung Galaxy I'm sure this is what Samsung is intending to do

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