I've had my S8 replaced twice, by Samsung, through one of their local customer care centers in my area. I purchased my phone through my carrier in November of last year and it basically became a very expensive paperweight the day after Valentine's day is this year. It was dropped off at the shop two days later. I received the first replacement device, which I was told was a brand new phone, a month later and had it for a total of two days before I had to return it again because it kept freezing and rebooting. I received my second replacement device two weeks ago today and it's done the same exact thing as the first replacement, freezing with a static line across the screen, then restarting itself several seconds later. I was told by a Samsung customer service rep to replace my SIM card, which I did, but the problem remains. Sometimes it will go thirty minutes without restarting, at other times, it reboots every two or three minutes, whether I'm using it or not. The only time it's stayed on without shutting itself off while being used is if I'm talking on it...no idea why this is. I've waited to take it back to the shop because the last replacement took two months to go through and I'm not sure if I'm willing to deal with going longer than that again without my phone! Especially considering that I've been paying for service on a phone I've barely used for three months. At this point, Samsung has had my phone as long as I have! I've also been told by the local repair center that I went through, they are no longer allowed to replace Samsung devices because of the issues with my phone and one other gentleman that seemingly has been having the same issue with his Samsung device and Samsung's customer service. I should also note that during the two month period whilst waiting for my second replacement, I was told by Samsung that they couldn't replace my device because they didn't have any replacements in stock. Why replace a device the first time with a brand new phone, then replace it the second time with a refurbished one? I'm assuming that's what they meant when they said they didn't have any in stock, as they are Samsung, the manufactures, so why would they not have a brand new phone in stock? Supposedly, they ended up keeping the housing on my first replacement device and replacing everything else. I realize I'm ranting at this point, but I'm incredibly frustrated by this entire process! My phone was three months old, had been in a very sturdy case with a tempered glass screen protector since it came out of the box, never exposed to liquids, never dropped, treated like gold and clearly, still under warranty. I have no idea what I'm going to do at this point, keep a device that clearly doesn't work or deal with the massive amount of bull that is Samsung customer service. Any ideas or suggestions are very welcome. Thank you, in advance.
Btw, this is only a portion of the issues I've had, but as this post is very long already, I'll just leave it as it is.