I'm not paying for it, you shouldn't either.
First, Elon Stank lied to our faces and said it would be free. Now it's not, $15/month/line? No, not a Chance
My prediction is emergency calls and sms will be forced by the FCC and maybe even the FTC stepping in. Yes that is emergency only but do you really want your phone sipping battery to unnecessarily send over satellite and for most pay $15/month for something they'll likely never use? This is all going to backfire on T-Mobile.
$15/month per line is ludicrous and that's the discount price.
I see all these iclowns blabbering how their iPhone does it for free and how carriers can't stop Apple from doing. Correct, between you and your
bah-bah friends
, iMessage and iCall( that a word?) only. T-Mobile, any carrier for that matter, can and will restrict outside calls and messaging in favor of charging until my prediction hopefully comes to fruition.
Satellite communication should be prioritized for emergencies, followed by no/minimal signal, followed by recreational/just because. The infrastructure isnt there to support everyone without some form of prioritization. The concept will be as dead as 3D unless they bring regular access (outside emergency use) down to a reasonable monthly fee.