Screen not Rotating please help me Galaxy S3

Did you accidentally turn it off? It's in the status bar as well as in settings. I have accidentally turned it off when changing the sound or other settings in the status bar.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Android Central Forums
No I haven't. I checked everything but no solution. It's driving me crazy. I am familiar with galaxy lines and android globally but I couldn't find solution for above issue. If someone come across with solution, please leave comment.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
Call att, they tell you to factory reset the phone. If it doesn't work, don't bother reloading anything, because the next thing is they send you to the repair dept. where they tell you to factory reset the phone. Regardless, if it's hardware it should still be under warranty. Unless you bought the phone on Craigslist, don't have cell service, rooted it with a closet snake...
Don't ask me how but started working after I power off and then On while holding menu and sound button.
After restarted working without problems. I have no idea what happened. :)

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
I had the problem today. I just switched off my phone, removed my battery, waited for some time, inserted my battery and switched on my phone. Tatang !!! It works now !!! :P
Perfect solution! Switching phone off and back on whilst holding volume button... this method actually works and my screen perfectly rotating just as before!
Many thanks
Thank you so much. I had accidentally turned it off. Can't find it in my settings, but saw it in the status bar.
Did you accidentally turn it off? It's in the status bar as well as in settings. I have accidentally turned it off when changing the sound or other settings in the status bar.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Android Central Forums

+1 to this. I had done the same thing. I had figured this is what happened but I didn't know exactly where to look without going through every menu. Thanks

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