Should I Get the Xoom vs. the iPad? Why or why not?


May 14, 2011
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I just wrote a long post and then lost it somehow! Frustrating. I only have a minute to re-write this so hopefully, I make sense. Here goes...

I can't decide if I should get the xoom or the ipad 2? I am very new to tablets in general but I need to get something other than the huge, slow laptop I currently have. My husband bought me an ipad for mothers day and I think I want to return it.I know absolutely nothing about apple products but I have an Evo 4G phone so I am quite familiar with the Android system. I love, love, love everything I know about Android so I'm obviously leaning towards getting the xoom. However, all the reviews I've have read on the top tablets still rate the ipad as far superior to anything else out there.

I will primarily be using the tablet for browsing the internet, checking facebook, catching up on TV shows, nothing too fancy. I am also addicted to a Facebook game (Bejeweled) which I know I cannot play on the ipad because it requires flash. That in itself is a con for the ipad in my opinion. ;)

So far I am not too impressed with the ipad. Granted, I still don't really know the ins and outs of it but so far, I don't really see what all the fuss is about. I hate how I can't easily switch between apps. I'm quite ADD and tend to do multiple things at once so I like to quickly go back and forth between screens.

I'm really just looking for some feedback so I can make an informed decision. Since I have an Evo phone, will I be able to become familiar with the xoom fairly quickly? Any cons I should be aware of with the xoom?

I appreciate any and all feedback.


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Apr 28, 2011
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In your case I would say the xoom. The ipap looks nicer and runs a lot better but if you are used to the Android system you will be really frustrated with the ipad. Flash is a big plus for the xoom and it sounds like you need it to play your game. I have both and prefer the xoom despite its bugs.


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Oct 20, 2010
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For all the reasons you have stated the xoom is for you. My wife absolutely loves the xoom over the ipad. Plus the xoom can be more functional than an ipad anyway especially with the new USB software in the 3.1 update. Keyboards, mice, cameras, game controllers. Nuff said. Welcome to Android Central.:)


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Nov 29, 2010
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After being used to the Android ecosystem going to an ios product will seem very boring. Trust me I know cause I bought an iPad for a day and returned it for the xoom. The iPad was boring to me because I couldn't customize my home screens. The homescreen on an iPad is basically like looking at you app tray

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Mar 13, 2011
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Ipad2 - Simple, trusted Apps and many more of them that are supported and work, simple interface, tied to iTunes. I have an iPad and Xoom and so far the iPad is the more reliable and has so much more support from external companies including VPN for work, Apps for TV and streaming, trusted apps. I have only seen a couple of sites that have stopped working due to flash but they had apps that bypassed this 'issue'.

Ipad also have more games and better quality games available.

My Xoom is ok for me to play with but all the apps to date are well below the standard I have seen on my iPad 1 which is a real shame seeing as its meant to be more powerful... yes its more flexible if you wish to 'play' with it but most folk just want the basic functions and want those functions to work well and the Apple products seem to blow Google out the water but of course in time (if you can wait) will see them both compete but to date Apple is the winner.


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Sep 13, 2010
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I have owned both, and still have the iPad2. I have been a dyed in the wool PC person since IBM introduced the first PC, and there's a lot about the Android environment that I really prefer. However, for what I wanted, right now, the iPad2 works a lot better. None of these tablets is really a mature product at this point, however, and making a choice involves accepting one set of compromises or another. If you can, try to spend some time with both before you plunk down your cash.


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Feb 18, 2010
If you don't like the iPad 1, you won't like the iPad 2 any better. It's nicer and faster than the first one but it's just as "uncustomizable".

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Aug 30, 2010
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If you asked this before Google IO, I would have told you to get the iPad, because at the time the Xoom was very unstable. Now this new update to 3.1.... I finally take my Xoom with me and actually use it. I mod updated it so it came with a bunch of hacking enhancements ( like the SD card) but other than that the OS itself has really become stable. The browser almost never ever crashes, flash is a dream now and I haven't had a random crash. Best Google update in a long time and in my opinion, enough for you to return that iPad and get a Xoom. My opinion though.

Sent from my Xoom


Mar 13, 2011
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Hope no update here in the eu so only going on the stock unstable versin I have, shame there is no official roll out plan for customers and its very region specific.

Customisation is great and all that but there's only so much time you can spend doing that before you get bored and actualy want to do something more productive.


Jan 4, 2010
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The iPad is great for my grandkids. Easy to use and hard to mess up. The Xoom is better for me. I like being able to customize my experience. Although the 4 year old's favorite game right now is Cordy so he's frequently playing with the Xoom when he's over.

The number of apps argument is silly. Since I'm not going to download all the apps I don't care HOW many they have, the question is do they have the apps I want. The only app I miss on the Xoom that is available on the iPad is Netflix, and I can work around that if I want to pay additional money.

If I were you I'd try out the Xoom for 30 days and then you can compare the two experiences. The iPad2 is basically a slimmer faster iPad.


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Jan 17, 2011
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I have all 3, Zoom, Ipad and the Evo. I've had the ipad for over a year now and from my experience I no longer use it after purchasing the Xoom. The only time was to catch up on Netflix. But after the Evo Netflix update the iPad is now a brick. Yes the xoom has some shortcomings but Motorola and Google are resolving there issue at an appropriate development rate.

Please. Understand the Apple iPad is a great product there were a few issues but ultimately the flash restrictions started to wear on me. Browsing became easier on the Xoom and I was able to adapt having the Evo helped.

I'm able to transfer files between the Zoom and Evo easier if that helps in your decision.
Just my opinion I don't want to start a flame war. =)
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May 14, 2011
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Thanks Everyone!
All of these responses have been very helpful. I have made my decision and will return the ipad tomorrow and buy the xoom. Your feedback gave me exactly what info I needed to make my decision. Now I'm so excited to get the xoom! :p

Just thought of one last question: since I have the Evo, can I easily use my Evo as a mobile hotspot for my xoom? (I don't plan to get the broadband version or pay for a plan). Thanks!

To ecaggiani: I don't have the ipad1, only the ipad 2. The ipad 2 is my very first experience with ipad, iphone, itouch, i-anything! This is all very new to me. The ability to customize (or lack thereof in the case of the ipad2) is a huge thing for me, which is another factor that is steering me towards the xoom.


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Sep 24, 2010
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Thanks Everyone!
All of these responses have been very helpful. I have made my decision and will return the ipad tomorrow and buy the xoom. Your feedback gave me exactly what info I needed to make my decision. Now I'm so excited to get the xoom! :p

Just thought of one last question: since I have the Evo, can I easily use my Evo as a mobile hotspot for my xoom? (I don't plan to get the broadband version or pay for a plan). Thanks!

To ecaggiani: I don't have the ipad1, only the ipad 2. The ipad 2 is my very first experience with ipad, iphone, itouch, i-anything! This is all very new to me. The ability to customize (or lack thereof in the case of the ipad2) is a huge thing for me, which is another factor that is steering me towards the xoom.

Yes.... I use the mobile hotspot on my EVO with my Xoom. Works flawlessly.
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May 14, 2011
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Thanks again so, so much! This is EXACTLY what I needed to hear! :D I'm going to return the ipad and get my xoom today and I'm so excited about it!
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Jun 25, 2010
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I always ask: who do you use for email?

If you use Gmail, you need a Xoom, no doubt. The iPad breaks all of things that make Gmail great (conversations, starring, archiving, etc), whereas Gmail on the Xoom is excellent! Plus, you can use the cool widget with it. :)

People talk about #'s of apps all the time, and it's certainly a valid discussion, but the Xoom dominates the iPad for Gmail and web browsing, which are the top two apps for most people.

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