Smart Network Switch on my Google Pixel

Ronita Majumdar

New member
Jan 13, 2017
My Pixel switches from wi-fi to network data randomly. Found on some forums that it can be fixed by disabling the Smarr Network Switch. Can't find this in settings of my Pixel. Any suggestion?
I thought this was a Samsung feature, but maybe I was wrong. If it IS on the Pixel, it should be on the WiFi Settings. On Samsung phones it's on the Advanced Section or on a section of its own, depending on the phone, but it's definitely in the WiFi Settings.
Thanks. Genuinely, can't find this under settings. Typed in the search bar as well. The advanced tab has only 4 items and none have any smart network switch or anything related..
Thanks. Genuinely, can't find this under settings. Typed in the search bar as well. The advanced tab has only 4 items and none have any smart network switch or anything related..

Yeah, that's what I thought... the Smart Network Switch is a Samsung feature, so not sure if it's called something different on a Pixel or if you have other kind of issue there.

If you turn WiFi off, does it try to connect again? If so, try disabling WiFi networks in your Location Settings.

UPDATE: Well, from other sites I've seen that Smart Network Switch, apparently, IS present on the Pixel. Can't confirm because I don't own one, but it should be under Settings, Wireless.
Im having the same issue. When i asked Google support they said that there is no such option on the pixel, which is wierd considering all the forums that specifically state the pixel has this option.. If anyone has any suggestions im all ears.

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