[SOLVED] Is there a limitation on how long a video can be made using a Core Prime?

25544 Norad

Well-known member
Jul 3, 2016
Seems that I can't do video over 30 secs +/- then it times out. I would have thought that the size of the SD card would be the deciding factor. My 32 GB card is nowhere near full. Or is there a setting that I can change to extend the video time? ...... still looking for that one ;D <<found it too lol!

I finally found where to change the resolution from HD to VGA, now I can easily make a 5 minute or longer clip.Not HD but acceptable for my purposes.

Thank you to TOASTERvan for the help.

Norad 25544 :)
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Re: Is there a limitation on how long a video can be made using a Core Prime?

Typical video durations tend to rely on two things.. the battery life and the amount of storage that can be used on the SD card. other factors might include the actually video resolution mode and if it's been adjust to the highest setting the camera/battery usage would be greater and less time could be used. In this, a video camera of smart phone should have an alternate power source as a means to her the power level at it's peak performance. if the optimum level has not been reached.. the video imaging and restoration would suffer and thus timing out.

Lastly, selecting the correct SD card for the device would help with the video's restoration and data transference.. Even though the SD card could say you have 1000 hours worth of storage.. you actual storage times could be cut significantly if the speed class rating is a low number.. #1 being bad or slow, #10 being good or fast.. always look for the proper speed class matched with the storage capability SD card.. improperly matched speed class and storage capabilities will also make your video seem slow, use more battery life and end up with poor restoration.
Re: Is there a limitation on how long a video can be made using a Core Prime?

HI Toastervan,

I appreciate the insight.
What struck me was that I was able to do 3 or more clips that all timed out at about 30 secs.

Battery had good life left, I don't think or know if there's a way to change the resolution. In your reply you typed : "In this, a video camera of smart phone should have an alternate power source as a means to her the power level at it's peak performance." Not sure of what you mean here, are you suggesting that the phone be plugged into an AC outlet to do a video? The wording is a bit unclear to me sorry.

I realize that the phone is a basic smart phone and doesn't have all the bells and whistles, (or batteries that catch fire), that better phones have. It just surprised me that the videos timed out each time I did them. I expected, wrongly so, to keep taking the vid and maybe fill the memory card before it stopped recording. The Micro SD card is one that I had in a crappy LG phone, I simply plugged in into the GCPrime without trying to match anything.

What brand of Micro SD card would you recommend in this case?

Thank you! :D

Changing the resolution from HD to VGA did the trick!
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