Still have v20 questions.


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2013
Ok, not trying to blow up forum but reposting the v20 questions i have.

I am seriously considering getting the v20 but i have some questions. I'll start with most important one for me. I got the lg g4 last year and returned it. The reason was because of text to speech settings. Huh? I'm a blind person who uses talkback the screenreader on android. Stock android has 9 speeds for tts. The g4 only had 5 and the max one i could put it on was turtle slow. My question, on the v20 how are speech rate settings? My understanding is in stock 7.0 tts speech rate is a slider and not a combo box anymore? If on the v20 not a slider to set speech rate, what tts speech rates are there? Other questions, thought this phone was available in 3 colors titanium, silver and pink. Do pink and silver actually exist and is sprint selling them? How bad is the ammount of bloatware from sprint on the v20? Finally, are camera's really cracking? How has sprint been if you've tried to exchange the phone??

Any answers apreciated.
The only question I can answer is the camera. In auto mode, it's pretty good. It may not be the best, but in this day in age, it's being overly nit picky to say it's bad compared to Brand X. So don't let those reviews sway you too much.

I initially had doubts about the OIS compared to my G4, but I think now it was more user error than anything. It's actually on par, so no worries there. If you like manual modes, you'll be more than happy. Check out the pics sticky thread and you'll see what I've been pulling out of it lately.
I wish people would lay off the camera cracking. Yes it has happened. To maybe 1% or less. This has happened to other phones in the past. But once it happens on a new phone panic sets in. And then you get trolls who are fanboys of other phones who make up reports and panic people. You will find that most of the reports had a drop or a direct hit to the camera. I would suspect that a defect caused others. I think Samsung's issues have caused major paranoia. Hopefully that is all it is. I guess time will tell but at present that should not be something to be concerned with.
The only question I can answer is the camera. In auto mode, it's pretty good. It may not be the best, but in this day in age, it's being overly nit picky to say it's bad compared to Brand X. So don't let those reviews sway you too much.

I initially had doubts about the OIS compared to my G4, but I think now it was more user error than anything. It's actually on par, so no worries there. If you like manual modes, you'll be more than happy. Check out the pics sticky thread and you'll see what I've been pulling out of it lately.

The camera is very nice. Like he said, but picking people or fanboys will knock it but it is nice. I am sure Samsung and Apple has great cameras also..Where the V20 shines is with audio in video. Its outstanding. And the manual options set it over the top. Again I see LG hater videos that try to tear it apart but it is really second to none in that area. I recorded a brief bit of our band at church and was amazed. You have to have headphones on to really hear how much better it is,
I just dropped mine out of my back pocket onto a hard wood floor and my camera didn't break. It's just trolls trying to cause a panic because they can't take care of a 800 dollar phone very well. It must be the phone not the fact that they are careless.
Yep, people making it sound like if you breathe on the camera lens wrong it'll crack. i don't really use the camera on phones too much but i was concerned.
No one has answer for other questions? At least the text to speech settings one? If you can find what i'm talking about, it's in settings/accessibility/vision/text to speech i think. Can't quite remember from the g4.
No one has answer for other questions? At least the text to speech settings one? If you can find what i'm talking about, it's in settings/accessibility/vision/text to speech i think. Can't quite remember from the g4.

I looked at the text to speech output. The preferred engine is set to Google's. The speeds are very slow, slow, normal, fast, very fast. 5 different options to choose from on the V20
Under Speech rate are the following options:

Very slow
Normal (default)
Very Fast

Same options for Pitch change.
Hope that helps
Thanks y'all. Grrr, that kills this phone for me. I know this sounds rediculous for sighted people but it like a bad screen for y'all. Why must lg mess with tts settings. Off to the pixel xl forum for me.