Stock Keyboard issues with Nougat


New member
Feb 16, 2017
Nougat update on S7 has completely f**** up my stock keyboard.

With Marshmallow:
I was able to type at high speed with relevant bilingual autocorrection whatever language (french/english) was set on the keyboard.

The return key was allowing me to cancel the auto correction by leaving the typed words.

With Nougat:
No bilingual autocorrect, I have to select the right language anytime I am switching fomr english to french otherwise the keyboard corrects everything into the language set on with the space bar key.

I tried to use Swiftkeyboard but not a big fan of it since question marks is not accessible straight (have to long press the . key) + the numeric pad is awful, tiny and showing plenty of symbol (when it comes to enter only digits) and the € key is sent to page 3 of the keyboard which is annoying for euro countries and there is no .com key neither."

Even if it does bilingual autocorrection and there's plenty of customization capabilities, all mentioned above cannot be changed.

Is there anyway to get back to the well performing stock keyboard without root ?

Thank you
Do you know the package name of the old version? May someone knows it.
Download it via Google.

If you don't find it, take your question to xda developers. I'm sure they can find the apk.
I have the SAME problem! My auto-correct before was awesome, worked efficiently in both French and English... but now it's all crooked! Replaces "my" with "m'y", "If" with "ignacio" (??!!)

I'd like to know what the hell is going on and how I can get an auto-correct that makes sense. HALP!

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