Strange build number in my Note 4. Please help.

Mohammad Arshad

Active member
Nov 24, 2013
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So yesterday I purchased a Note 4 from a small shop here in Hong Kong. This was the box:


Now you can see the model number written is SM 910U. The box was sealed and he opened it in front of me. Now the model number of the set inside was SM 910L and it had Oleh written on the back. So I asked him why this difference, he told me that this was one of the earlier models before the international version (SM 910U) was available.

Not sure if that is correct. I don't know why Samsung will put SM 910L inside a SM 910 U box. But ok...

So I downloaded CPU Z and ran it and it showed that the processor was Exynos 5433. Ram was 3gb and everything else was as expected. Antutu and other bench marks also were on the mark. Therefore, I dished out the cash and purchased it.

However, when I came home I noticed that the build number was this:


I checked online and the build numbers on the devices did not contain the 'mod by...' line. So what does this mean? has a custom rom been installed on this?

I played around with this last night and tested SPen functions and checked other settings and everything seems to be just fine. However I am not 100% sure I have a genuine product. :-[

Please advise.
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Mar 31, 2013
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I'm no expert but I would return that phone ASAP if you can. Samsung is not shipping any phone with "Mod By" in the build number.
Good luck.